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Ever since Kuboyasu left. The week following, Y/n felt miserable. Saiki had wondered why exactly Kuboyasu's sudden disappearance affected the girl so much. But then he realized, Kuboyasu was the first real friend Y/n had ever made. Saiki was almost certain Y/n even sort of fell for the boy without even knowing... But he's gone now.
Even if she did admit to loving him. It wouldn't bring him back.

Saiki was unsure where exactly Kuboyasu went. All he knew was that Y/n would go to the boy's house every day after school. Despite how scary the neighborhood was she never seemed scared.

The past few weeks after New Year's were the most depressing. The girl's friends were never successful in bringing her hopes back up. She seemed more lost in thought than she had ever been before.
The group would mostly find her staring outside the window. Or staring at the space where Kuboyasu used to sit during lunch (now occupied by Hairo). It was almost as if she was expecting him to magically come back.

Y/n walked down the quiet street taking her usual boring route to school. Her parents seemed to notice how closed off she had been and did the bare minimum to give her some space.
Y/n wore her cardigan over her school uniform as the knitted jacket often threatened to slip off her shoulders. Y/n knew she was constantly being watched and protected by the bodyguards but she was honestly impressed at the fact they have yet to reveal themselves in her field of vision. She often wondered if they were even watching over her or if they just left.

Once she took a sharp turn she perked up once seeing a boy walking on her same route. She had never seen him before so it was honestly a surprise to see another teen in her area. She acknowledges the boy's uniform, recognizing it as her own. He seemed to be In deep thought then suddenly turned around to look over at the girl. Her eyes automatically peered forward to avoid his gaze and suddenly took interest in the wall next to her. She had a small heart attack by how quick he was to sense the girls staring. She became even more nervous when he started walking over to the girl.

"Hey, you go to PK Academy, right?"
"What's it like there? Is it fun? Are there a lot of students? I heard there's not a lot. The school I come from had a lot more! I just moved here actually! Well, not to this country. I came from a different part of Japan, I mean."
"This neighborhood is pretty quiet, right? Do you ever feel scared walking around this neighborhood or is it the safe type of neighborhood where you can walk around with ease?"
The boy practically exploded with questions and small rants to himself. The girl backed away feeling a little overwhelmed by how different the two were. She tried to keep up with what he was saying but figured it would be useless. Eventually, she did speak up

"You talk a lot," Y/n said bluntly watching the boy laugh and scratch the back of his head

"Do I? I feel like I get that a lot. I know an old friend of mine goes to this school as well. That's why I chose this school in the first place. He used to be in the local newspaper back when I was in pre-school. You might even know him actually! Let's walk together!" The boy said walking forward

"Im just gonna assumed you're behind me!" He spoke up continuing to talk. The girl sighed slightly then continued to walk next to the boy as he ranted to the girl.
Through the rant, she did find out his name was Akechi Touma. The rest, she just blanked

"Touma?" Y/n spoke up grabbing his attention.

"I'm Y/n! It's nice to meet you!" Y/n smiled at the blonde-haired boy. He smiled brightly bowing at the girl

"It's nice to meet you too! You seem very polite! I can't wait to get to know you more! Judging by your body language I can tell that you are a very quiet girl. Though I do feel like I can talk to you for hours and you would still be able to keep up with me!" Touma smiled complimenting the girl. He seemed to perk up and stare at something above the two.

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