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"It seems like we're the last ones standing." Saiki continued marching forwards with the girl quietly walking beside him. She didn't want to say anything and figured maybe he just wanted the peaceful silence. The rest of the group had already departed once they made it to their route back home. Y/n and Saiki were continuing down the road. The girl's side glanced occasionally to see if the boy was still next to her when she saw him her shoulders would become less tense a little comforted by the male's presence. She stopped noticing the familiar roads approaching. Saiki stopped walking as well when he noticed her halt.

"Guess I better get going." Y/n thought rehearsing the phrase in her head

"Don't strain yourself I already know." Saiki thought ready to just wave her off. The girl took a deep breath and turned dramatically toward the boy

"This is my house... I mean the road to my house. In case you didn't understand... Of course, you understood why wouldn't you! I'm not trying to call you stupid-" the girl was cut off by Saiki holding his hand up to stop her from going on a whole rant. He nodded showing that he understood. Saiki pointed to the other side of the road as if to say his house was back there.

"We passed your house?" Y/n asked watching Saiki nod

"Don't worry though. It's fine. You were so jittery I figured I would stay with you." Saiki thought and "said" to the girl who felt her face heat up from embarrassment

"I'm so sorry Saiki. I just don't like being alone at night." Y/n apologized then looked away from him

"Thanks for walking me over here," Y/n spoke. Saiki frowned to himself

"Whatever. Just stop being a coward next time." Saiki sighed refusing to say that to her face. The girl waved goodbye to him and the two had finally split from one another. Saiki couldn't help but remember the small bonding moment they shared in the cafe and felt himself smile slightly.

"Okay, Kuboyasu. You win."


"Ugh. Monday's."

"It feels like it was just yesterday that I was at this hell hole."

"I hope it's not windy today.."

Saiki frowned hearing the annoying loud voices so early in the morning. Just a few days ago he was dining at a rich cafe. And now... Well

"Make way!" The voice of a woman yelled. The classroom door slid open to reveal a red carpet unraveling until finally reaching its end

"Seriously?... Not this guy." The woman bodyguard stood at the end of the carpet holding a backpack in her hands. The students groaned when realizing who decided to come to school today. As expected the gray-haired boy walked through the door with a smug expression on his face.

"I have decided to come today. Maybe some of you fools can help entertain me." Saiko yelled throwing a couple of hundred U.S dollars at the group.

"No way! Not after what you did to Teruhashi!... And others!" Takahashi yelled grabbing a few hundred from the ground before returning to his seat
"You say that but grabbed the money from the man who hurt Teruhashi's feelings?"

"What?!" Saiko gasped a little bit shocked

"You think that just because you have a few extra hundred dollars you can walk all over us?! Well, guess what Saiko? Now I have a few extra hundred dollars! So now IM better than everyone!" Takahashi yelled laughing wildly like a madman

"You have a point but I feel you could have worded that better."

"Whatever just get out of my seat pleb." Saiko flared snapping his fingers as two bodyguards dragged Takahashi out of the classroom.

"This guy again?" Kuboyasu asked when he walked inside the class.

"I paid for your food a couple of nights ago. You owe me, thug." Saiko brought up watching Kuboyasu's expression turn into a panicked one as he laughed nervously

"What?! Thug?! What a specific word! It doesn't describe me in the slightest! You're crazy!" Kuboyasu yelled out in defense

"You're not helping your case."

"Is that girl in this class as well?" Saiko asked looking around for the face he grew annoyed at. During the rest of the weekend, his feelings of irritation for the girl piled up until eventually, his brain overreacted the situation. Now suddenly Y/n assaulted him in his mind when in reality she was too nervous to even look at him.

"She's not in this class. And she has no reason to concern herself with you. Just go prey over Teruhashi or something so we don't have to see you for the next few months again." Kuboyasu spoke. Saiko glared at the boy and walked out of the classroom.

"Damn poor people," Saiko added commanding his bodyguards to slam the door shut. Saiko felt himself frowning slightly at what the thug had said to him but was quick to distinguish the feeling

"Are you alright sir?" One bodyguard asked and Saiko was quick to yell at him taking out his anger on the poor guard. He stopped midway when he saw a familiar girl making her way down the hallway. Her earbuds were comfortably resting in place and she was slightly bobbing her head to the beat as she was mostly glued to her phone texting the new friend group chat that Kuboyasu had made for his friends. Saiko stepped forward marching towards the girl and stopping right in front of her. She stopped seeing a figure enter her peripheral vision and slowly looked up. She instinctively paused her music and turned off her phone. Y/n grabbed her earbuds and placed the buds into her button-up uniform. She automatically recognized the boy but wasn't ready to see him at the school she attends.

Her eyes stared into his shirt when he felt himself grow angry at the girl who still refused to look at him. He kept fuming about how entitled she was. Does she think that highly of herself? She's probably just some whore who steals all the guys and places an innocent facade!

"Umm. Thanks for paying for our dinner that one time. That was nice of you." Y/n spoke. Saiko felt his entire anger for the girl melt and he looked away feeling his face flush at the compliment. He brought his hand up to cover his lips to prevent a goofy smile from the idea of someone complimenting him.

"Whatever. Just go to class pleb." Saiko spoke and turned around. The girl was quick to run away from the embarrassment of her bold comment.
The bodyguards were smiling at Saiko who yelled at them.

"That dumb girl is to blame. With the stupid compliments."

"Just admit you're not used to praise." Saiki frowned annoyed by the rich boys' naivete when it came to any sort of praise. He was probably hoping his whole life for someone to thank him too. He just didn't know it. Still though... It was annoying.


A silver platter was presented in front of Y/n during the lunch break later on in the day. Saiko pulled out a desk where he was also served the same platter. When revealed it was filled with different foods that made Y/n droll. She looked up confused at the boy and the students in her class were once again trying to figure out when exactly this girl was in their class. Saiko scoffed pulling out his chopsticks

"I saw you didn't have a bento on you. So I had my chefs make this." Saiko said placing some of the food in his mouth. The girl contemplated missing out on lunch with Kaido, Nendo, and Kuboyasu. She figured one day without them wouldn't hurt.
The boy stared at her with almost an expecting expression. Y/n smiled picking up her chopsticks

"Thank you, Saiko!" Y/n spoke up watching Saiko's small wide-eyed expression to the compliment. He brought his hand up to his head and pushed his fingers through his groomed hair.

"Whatever." He spoke wanting a little bit more compliments.

"Maybe if we were a little bit nicer to Saiko. He wouldn't be harassing Y/n by acting like some dog. Good grief."


Sorry, this chapter is short. I don't know why I sometimes alternate between shorter chapters and long ones.

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