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"Winter break is just around the corner. I have created a new assignment for you all to complete before the break begins." Mr. Nekuwara spoke up passing down the papers. The class glared down at the papers with an expression of dread. The whole room let out a long groan

"I don't wanna do this!" The girl with short hair and pigtails exclaimed as she sunk into her seat

"Mr. Nekuwara! Come on, this isn't like you! Just let us enjoy our week leading up to the break." The boy sitting in the back exclaimed. Mr. Nekuwara sent the class a stern expression

"No! You lazy children need to do some work! The real world is cruel and heartless! You better finish this assignment before the beginning of winter break or you will have summer classes!" Mr. Nekuwara yelled as he scoffed sitting in his seat.

"Oh no. I get it now." A girl murmured feeling a bit of pity towards the man 

"Your girlfriend broke up with you, didn't she?" The girl asked looking up at Nekuwara who felt himself becoming agitated. He just quietly began grading papers. The classmates all giggled at this and started making conspiracies as to why Nekuwara's girlfriend broke up with him.
Y/n stayed silent and spaced out on her assignment trying to figure out how exactly she was supposed to do the assignment. It required an essay on a book. But what book would she use? In reality, this was probably the easiest assignment she had ever seen. The problem was the rest of her class didn't like working. It was probably because of how nice Nekuwara was. The lazy tendencies must have rubbed on her students. Y/n could think of only two stories she could use...

The Tempest was a play by Shakespeare that had both the elements of action and romance compiled into one. She liked the romance bit of the book but couldn't help but shiver at the fact all the romance bloomed in 3 short hours.

The Outsiders was more of a children's book but she loved the story of both the riches and poor people being divided into their categories. It was an eye-opener when you first read the story. Especially having the naive idea that all rich people have it just fine and easy.

Y/n frowned deciding the make the essay about The Outsiders. Of course, there was only one problem. Y/n had no idea how to start the essay. She always struggled with beginning essays. And ending them.

"Maybe I'll think over how to start the essay over lunch," Y/n whispered smiling to herself and she pushed the assignment away from her. Y/n was quick to rush out the door with her bento box and ran downstairs. She stopped to take a few breaths to not embarrass herself when they asked why she was out of breath. She opened the door seeing Kaido, Saiki, and Teruhashi. Y/n felt her lips curve upwards as she sat next to Teruhashi who squealed hugging Y/n's arm

"You look so pretty today, Y/n!" Teruhashi exclaimed. Ever since Teruhashi's crying incident, the two were the closest thing to best friends yet. Teruhashi had never broken character in front of anyone before. And she never will. But after being vulnerable in front of Y/n; Teruhashi never wanted to leave the girl's side. Y/n now knew and understood her better than anyone on the entire planet would. And a friendship lile that is something Teruhashi would never let go of.
Y/n smiled at Teruhashi who clung to her and laughed complimenting the girl back.

"It's too early for this."

"You two have gotten close!" Kuboyasu spoke entering the grassy area with Nendo and Saiko following closely behind. Saiko snapped his fingers and the bodyguard came out of nowhere placing the blanket down on the grass where Saiko sat down and scoffed mumbling insults to himself.

"The mall was fun yesterday," Kuboyasu commented trying to start a conversation. Luckily, it worked.

"Yeah! We should all hang out more!" A voice from behind Kuboyasu spoke up. The group jumped seeing three other people behind them

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