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The class of 2-C went quiet. There was a nervousness that filled the whole class among those who had not studied, those who studied all night, and those who were afraid of their parents. The teacher's foot tapped impatiently as he glanced at the clock awaiting the end of this boring class.

"Begin." He announced shortly then began grading some of the student's essay papers. The group of classmates frantically started writing on the paper. There was some obvious cheating happening but nothing extremely out of the ordinary.
Well, something out of the ordinary was happening. But no one knew about the event. It was happening right in front of them. A girl was staring at her paper with a blank face. Her eyes watched as writing was slowly appearing on the paper. She nervously pulled her H/c locks. This is what has been going on whenever she had not studied well for a test. Still, it freaked her out seeing all the answers being filled out for her. She glanced to the side seeing a boy staring at her paper in amazement. She quickly grabbed the pencil laying beside her notebook and pretended to scribble on her paper whilst covering some of the pages from his sight. He shook his head assuming that it was because he had not slept well the few nights leading up the test and resumed contemplating question 5. 
Her lips curved down into a frown as the writing also miraculously filled out the essay questions.


The bell, signaling lunch, is what rendered the class to sigh with relief. The students would quickly chatter as the teacher would proceed to grab the papers from the noisy students and zoom to the teacher's office to grade them. Y/n was proud of this teacher's effort to grade the tests despite his obvious indifference towards the children. She got up with a small sigh and continued outside of the class hallway welcoming in more chaos. It was bustling as students ran to the snack counter picking up their cream buns and sodas. She only wanted to get one cream-filled bun and get out but sometimes even that was too much to ask for. Her small joy was interrupted by the sound of a loud yell coming from a student as he seemed to be getting closer and closer.
The two collided in no time.

"I'm so sorry about that!" The boy with bright hair said bowing to the girl and handing her back the cream-filled bun. She awkwardly thanked the boy with the folded sleeves and watched as he ran over to a much taller man with a butt chin. It was a strange scene but Y/n was too busy checking for anything wrong with the bun. Her lips curved upward when discovering it was not damaged. Her pleased look didn't last long when she felt something crumple underneath her shoes. She glanced down and picked up the piece of paper

"5,000¥" She mumbled to herself in thought and stuffed the paper currency into her pocket.
Y/n would normally spend lunch alone while listening to music on her phone while working on assignments from another class. She didn't want to stand out by just sitting and staring. People might think she's weird or might try to talk with her. So acting like you're busy is the best thing for Y/n to do. She stared down at the math question in confusion then frowned turning to her English assignment. She took another bite from her cream-filled bun when her eyes widened watching the filling splat onto the paper. She stared in frustration feeling her patience die down.
Much to her luck, the bell rang.

Y/n decided to leave the cream be seeing as she didn't want to get up in front of all those students. The teacher pushed his glasses up with one finger and handed the papers back to the students watching their expressions either go from happiness or despair. He handed Y/n's paper with a small smile. She frowned seeing the grade 100%. How? She had not studied. And she wasn't even the one who did the test. Her parents were proud of her so I guess Y/n didn't mind the praise she would get back at home again.

"The rest of the class will be a free period. Good work everyone." The teacher nodded glaring at the clock once again and adjusting his tie.

"Mr. Nekuwara seems to be eager to leave today." One girl commented reading his body language like a book.

"You're right, I noticed that too!" Another said.

"Mr. Nekuwara! Do you have a date or something?" One boy asked when hearing the girl's commentary. The class became wild as the teacher flushed when being caught in the act. This was what he found infuriating about the class. Their ability to find out everything about him.

"Nice going Mr. Nekuwara!" The three girls sitting in the middle cheered loudly as the boys were hooting and whistling the teacher who was trying to remain professional. He cleared his throat glancing to the side. He had not spoken a word trying to power through his student's teasing.
Y/n smiled slightly at the entertaining class and even recalled all other exciting moments.


"Have fun on your date Mr. Nekuwara!" The boys yelled racing out of the class during the first sign of the bell. The students rushed out while Y/n packed up watching the students step out. She clicked on the next song in her playlist as music flowed through her earbuds that rested comfortably in her ears.

"Ah, L/n! Could you wait a moment." Mr. Nekuwara asked motioning the student who stuffed her earbuds in her shirt

"Yes sir?" She asked slightly nervous

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I just wanted to tell you. If you're up for it, I can recommend you to advancement placements next year." He smiled stacking his work into one clean pile. Y/n looked up in thought then shook her head.

"No thank you." She spoke immediately which surprised the man who just laughed ruffling the girl's hair

"Alright then. If you change your mind come talk to me." He said then walked out. Y/n smiled finding another thing she liked about the teacher. He always respected the student's decisions and never forced them to do something they didn't like. Not to mention, his head pats are something she doesn't mind.
She stared at the sun etching closer to the edge of her world. The winter was something she was fond of. And this was why. Walking home to the beautiful sunset while a cool breeze brushes past her. She excitedly rushed downstairs changing her shoes at the locker

"You lost 5,000¥, Hairo?" A voice asked from behind her as she sighed trying to place her earbuds in sounding out the voices interrupting her peace being sure to harshly close the locker maybe as a sign that they're talking a little too loud. No response.

"I was really hungry too." The voice peaked from her music. She didn't want to turn it up too high from fear of becoming deaf so she just hoped they weren't going in the same direction. There was a short quiet and Y/n sighed turning to stare at the sunset with a bit of bliss.

"What the." A voice trailed off with confusion as suddenly a man grabbed Y/n's shoulder and dragged her backward. The sudden movement forced her earbuds out of their comfortable spot as they fell to her side. She looked up seeing a boy with spikey purple hair. He stared at her with confliction.

"What is up with your guardian spirit?" The boy asked observing closer as the girl shrunk back. Y/n quickly ran off trying to avoid the guy

"Hey, wait!" The guy yelled

"Toritsuka! Don't harass that girl!" The voice yelled

"Good grief. What'd he do this time?"

This is a short introduction chapter but I hope you enjoyed!

I'm writing like 5 fanfics at once.😭😭

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