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"Good morning, Hairo!" A voice yelled out among the crowd of students. The red-headed boy waved at the crowd with a wide grin on his face. He continued to match down the hallway occasionally being greeted by a few people. Hairo's eyes eventually caught something and he came to a halt eyeing the quiet girl from afar.

"That's the girl that went shopping with us. I also ate lunch with her the other day!" Hairo remembered marching over to the girl to finally introduce himself. He tapped her on the shoulder watching the girl immediately paise her music and turn around taking her earbuds out.

"Yes?" She spoke. Hairo smiled widely at the girl

"Hello! I'm Kineshi Hairo! I've seen you a few times when I was hanging out with Saiki & Friends! I was thinking we could be friends as well!"

"What am I, a TV show?"

Y/n looked up at the boy with a little bit of flattery that he wanted to go out of his way to befriend the girl she thought had no idea existed. The girl nodded eventually getting over her shock. The boy patted her back

"That's great! I'll see you at lunch, then?" Hairo spoke not expecting an answer, just stating a fact. He walked away before she could answer.
The girl watched the confident boy walk away as some fellow students would wave at him and greeted him.

"Saiko will not be coming today." A voice spoke from behind Y/n. The h/c girl jumped and turned to the bodyguard who was patiently awaiting the girl's response.

"Oh. Tell Saiko that I hope he feels better. And I im sorry I made things awkward yesterday. It wasn't my intention." Y/n said. The bodyguard nodded then walked off without another word. Y/n silently wondered why exactly it was suddenly important for the guards to tell her that Saiko wouldn't be in today. Y/n shrugged it off and placed her earbuds back in their comfortable spot.


"Y/n! Good morning!" Teruhashi greeted the girl in the hallway as the two were both on their way to lunch. Y/n peered over at the girl and smiled waving at her. She was too tired to say anything after having to itch her way through the boring class. Teruhashi noticed how exhausted the girl looked and just decided to keep the conversation small to spare the girl from the overexertion of social confrontation.
The two entered the back of the school to see the rest of the group still there. Hairo jumped up seeing the familiar girl

"Oh wow. Hey Teruhashi! Are you eating with us again?" Kaido squeaked feeling his face heat up. Before the girl could answer Hairo walked up to Y/n.

"Hey, Y/n! Lovely morning right?" Hairo asked awaiting the girl's response. She stared up at Hairo for a few seconds before nodding. There was a small quiet between the two before she answered

"It is... A lovely morning!" Y/n spoke making sure to clarify. She inched closer the Teruhashi feeling a bit uncomfortable. Hairo's eyes brightened up

"You close with Teruhashi?" Hairo asked not seeing Teruhahshi's face brighten up and she awaited the girl's answer with a hopeful expression.

"Actually she's closer to me." Saiki thought appearing behind the close couple. The two jumped when Saiki placed a hand on each shoulder

"Saiki!" Teruhashi exclaimed nervously

"I know what's been going on Teruhashi. I couldn't care less that you moved on. Im relieved. I'm just pissed off you chose Y/n of all the people in this school. Seriously. What happened?" Saiki glared at the blue-haired girl. She avoided his glare with a shaky laugh

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