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"Grandma! Do you know where my brush went?" Y/n asked rushing through her house in a frenzy. Being late to her first group hang out was something she didn't want merely because she couldn't find the brush. Her grandmother sat on the couch staring out the living room window. Their house had been a mixture of American and Japanese items due to a younger 8-year-old Y/n being too nervous to let go of her memorabilia. The grandma slowly looked in the direction of the rushing daughter with her tidy outfit. She smiled at the young girl seeing a bit of her daughter in the girl.

"I don't know. Where are you off to Y/n? You look adorable!" Her grandma cheered. Y/n went red and laughed slightly

"Thank you." Y/n smiled and continued to look for the hairbrush this time with a little less anxiety.

"Y/n! You look like a cutie pie. My little princess!" Hiroshi squealed at his daughter's outfit as she spun around slightly so he could get a better look. It was the wife's turn to fangirl as suddenly the whole house was full of flattered family members. The ring of the doorbell interrupted them and Tsubaki handed her daughter the brush and rushed over to the door

"I'll get it! It might be your friend!" The mother cheered opening the door. As soon as she did however she quickly slammed the door shut and turned to her daughter.

"It's for you." She spoke nudging her daughter toward the girl. Tsubaki rushed beside her husband and jumped up with excitement wrapping her arms around his neck. Y/n felt a little nervous to open the door judging the look of shock on her mother's face when she saw what was on the other side.
Y/n slowly twisted the doorknob opening the door to see none other than Nendo on the other side.

Y/n looked around slightly then turned her gaze back on the teen who was holding a small rose in his hand. Y/n smiled to herself seeing the rose which had been picked from her garden.

"Nendo! Where's everyone else?" Y/n asked accepting the rose he had handed her

"I figured I would come early! Kuboyasu gave me the address so I have been wandering around the neighborhood until I saw your place." Nendo admitted and Y/n frowned remembering that he was bad at directions to new places.

"Oh! I see! You should come in for a little while then! I can get you a drink!" Y/n spoke watching Nendo smile

"Thanks, Y/n!" Nendo spoke walking into the heated-up house.

"You must be Y/n's mom and dad!" Nendo greeted offering his hand to the parents who were quick to accept

"It's very nice to meet you!"

"Thank you for being friends with our daughter!" The parents exclaimed trying their best to not get emotional

"Mom... Dad..." Y/n spoke in a whisper trying to not get embarrassed by their actions. She gripped the rose Nendo had given her just a little bit tighter. Her grandma greeted Nendo who was busy gasping at how old the grandma was.

"Y/n. Who is this charming boy you brought home?" Grandma asked using her cane to prop herself up as Nendo was quicker than Y/n to help the elderly lady not lose her balance

"Oh my. And a gentleman!" The grandmother exclaimed patting Nendo's hand. Y/n looked up at the teen who had been quicker than her. She couldn't help but feel her cheeks heat up at the kind actions of the man followed by the embarrassing comments from her supportive parents.

"We should get going." Y/n stuttered out. Nendo accepted the cup of hot tea from Tsubaki

"Don't worry. Nendo can throw it out when he's done! I got that cardboard cup from Starbucks a few weeks ago!" Tsubaki cheered waving the couple out the door.

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