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"Thanks for the other day Y/n! We should all hang out during winter break! Here's my info!" Yumehara cheered handing the quiet girl her social media and number on a tiny scrap of paper. Y/n stared at the writing in a blue glitter pen. As weird as it sounded, the pen Yumehara used told Y/n a lot about what kind of girl she was.

"Make sure to text me!" The orange-haired girl shouted running down the hall to get to her class.

"Oh! Good morning, Y/n!" A voice shouted from behind the girl. Y/n turned seeing a familiar redhead

"Good morning, Hairo," Y/n said trying to step a little out of her comfort zone

"Here's my info! We should hang out more often!" Hairo shouted handing the girl a notebook paper. He waved at the girl before walking away. The girl sighed at the thought of two people forcing her into a conversation at seven in the morning. Y/n stared down at the notebook paper seeing a number written down in tiny writing. She squinted slightly wondering why he couldn't write larger with all the space on the page.

"It's too early for this." Y/n sighed folding Hairo's paper and placing it in her skirt pockets.

"Get used to it. Now that you're officially stuck like I am. You'll be having a lot more headaches." Saiki thought walking past the girl and giving her a small wave. Her eyes brightened slightly seeing the pink-haired boy she had grown so fond of. She skipped slightly in her step and walked beside the boy

"Good morning Saiki!" Y/n gaped at the teen smiling slightly. He nodded eyeing her nervous expression.

"Start a conversation." Y/n scolded herself thinking of something to say. Saiki sighed slightly which didn't go unnoticed by Y/n

"Don't worry. I got it." Saiki thought pointing to the vending machine. He looked over at the girl who nodded understanding what he wanted. She pulled out her wallet followed by Saiki. When the two approached Saiki couldn't help but notice the vending machine seemed to be broken. Of course, by staring at it for more than three seconds he could completely see through the machine, having access to every little gadget that brought the drink dispenser to life. He reached forward to stop the girl but she placed the money into the machine. Saiki blanked slightly feeling a little guilty for not stopping her in time. In reality, it was his fault for monologuing about his powers for as long as he did.

The two heard a small noise come from the machine and Y/n reached forward clicking on the banana milk option. Saiki stared in shock as the drink was dispensed. Y/n reached down to grab the drink

"What just happened? I swear the machine was broken! Maybe I saw wrong." Saiki thought a little happy that this was the one time he would be wrong. Of course, if Saiki had to choose between being wrong about an end of the world scenario and he was already in space... He would be upset. But when it came to getting his juice box, he wouldn't mind being wrong.
Saiki happily placed the yen into the machine waiting patiently. The two waited for the familiar click from the machine... But there was quiet. Y/n frowned turning to the psychic


"Shut up, I don't need your pity," Saiki said quickly with a bit of despair. The two walked away from the machine, Saiki wanted to get as far away from it as possible. While Y/n had been trying to give the boy her drink. Saiki pouted slightly at her stubbornness

"Saiki. I didn't even really want the drink. I feel bad, can't you just take it?" Y/n asked holding the drink out for the psychic. Saiki stared down at the drink being offered to him. Slowly, he eventually accepted the drink holding it close to his chest.

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