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Saiki silently stared at his outfit in the mirror. As embarrassing as it was for him to admit it, he had been through five different outfits. Each time he put an outfit on he wondered if Y/n would call him sloppy or if the outfit was wrinkled in some spots. He didn't want the girl to think he wasn't a messy person.

Saiki glared at the wrinkle in his button-up shirt and huffed before impatiently taking out each button. He marched to his parent's room where he pulled out his mother's ironing board from the closet. Saiki plugged the iron on and carefully began to fix the parts of the clothes that were wonky

"Ku? What are you doing in here?" Kurumi asked peeking her head through the door after hearing her son marching throughout the house. Saiki turned to the woman who just blankly stared at her shirtless son attempting to iron a white button-up shirt.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously, shooing away her husband who seemed to be eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I'm just trying to go out with a friend. All my clothes are wrinkly from being stuffed so tightly in my closet." Saiki explained to the woman who watched the boy unplug the iron from the wall and impatiently put on his button-up shirt followed by a baby blue knitted vest.

"You look so cute, Ku! Have fun with your friend!"  Kurumi cheered complimenting her son's appearance.


Y/n scrolled through her phone one last time before turning towards the window of the cafe to fix herself a little bit before Saiki showed up. She adjusted her outfit making sure it looked just the way her brain wanted it to look. Her small bag remained on the side containing her valuables such as chapstick, her wallet, and her pepper spray. The girl peered at her appearance for a bit longer than she intended to because the boy on the other side of the mirror seemed to catch on the girl's eyes in his direction. He turned his head towards the girl who both seemed to look away once their eyes met.

"Y/n." The voice spoke up startling the girl who looked at the boy's outfit. He seemed to be nervous about what the girl would think about his appearance. She simply gave him a small smile and pointed to his baby blue vest

"I love that vest, Saiki! I have one just like it! We should match the next time we go out!" Y/n joked remembering the piece of clothing she shared with the psychic. Saiki felt his face heat up from the girl's suggestion and instead just responded with a short nod.
The two entered the small cafe where they had been sitting next to the boy Y/n had the misfortune of making intense eye contact with.

"What could I get for you two this evening?" The man asked the couple. Saiki pointed to the green tea on his menu and Y/n ordered (whatever you want)

"It's very chilly outside tonight. It feels like winter is sticking around longer than it should." Saiki grumbled staring at the sky that seemed to be concealing itself with dark clouds.

"You're right! I thought I didn't need my jacket but I did get kind of cold out there. I hope it's ot like this tomorrow." Y/n mumbled staring out the window.

"Maybe instead of going to a cafe. Next time you can come over to my house. My mom would love you to have dinner with us." Saiki quietly asked the girl who looked up in thought

"I guess I could come over! But then I'll have to treat you to a family dinner as well!" Y/n smiled at Saiki who just nodded

"Of course." Saiki seemed to agree, wasting no time.
The two were interrupted by their drinks being placed down in front of them.

"Those sundaes were so good!" Y/n whined at the memory of the dessert. Saiki quietly walked beside the girl listening to her ranting about the dining experience. He did enjoy listening to her. He loved whenever she would express her opinions. Y/n was a quiet girl who refused to engage in any form of confrontation. But when Saiki got to know Y/n, he discovered that the girl was very open to her feelings. Saiki found anyone who knows this side of the girl to be considered lucky.

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