Chapter 25

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Nate wasn't back in a few days. It was over a week, and when he returned, it was the same day as the premiere of Sullivan's new movie. Nate had offered to tell Danica that he couldn't go with her, stating that the only reason he had agreed to go in the first place was as a cover to hide his attraction to Shay.

Shay was so incensed that he had only mentioned attraction and not feelings or love that she had told him to go right ahead and take Danica to the premiere. It would serve him right to spend the night in her company, and Shay would be there to keep an eye on him anyway.

Shay had offered to take LouLou instead, and she had been thrilled.

Shay arrived with a car to pick LouLou up, and the entire building was on the front steps to see her off. LouLou had her hair done and bought a new dress for the occasion, it was white with big purple flowers on it, and she was glowing from all the excitement.

The chauffeur opened the door for LouLou, and she slid into the seat across from Shay as if she was to the manor born, but as soon as the door closed, she gave a little squeal. "Am I really going to get to meet your mother!"

"Yes, and my father and brothers. I know that they are going to love you." And they would. Shay didn't doubt it.

It took a little longer to get to the bookstore where the premier was being held because of traffic, and Shay took the time to fill LouLou in on the back history of the movie.

"My brother, Sulivan, and Ophelia fell in love while making the movie. They're engaged to be married in the fall." Shay gave a brave smile as she told the story. She wished her life would work out as well as theirs had but seeing as she and Nate couldn't even find the time to go on a date, she had her doubts that it would ever happen.

"Wasn't there some drama over Ophelia and your father and brothers? Didn't they report that she was dating all of them?" LouLou played with the strap on her purse.

"No, that was made up by an angry actress. Sullivan and Ophelia have only had eyes for each other. We all knew it before they did, but they're both so hard-headed that it took them time to admit how they felt. Now that they have, they're always lovey-dovey." Shay swallowed her jealously like she always did when she thought of Sully and Phee.

"That's so romantic!" LouLou sighed. "Love is for the young."

"Don't tell my parents that," Shay gave an honest smile.

"Are they still madly in love?" LouLou leaned forward.

"Madly, I hope I'm half as lucky as they are."

"I have a feeling you and Nate will be." LouLou patted her hand and then leaned back in her seat. Her words caused butterflies in Shay's tummy.

They were silent until they arrived at their destination, and when they stepped out of the car, flashbulbs went off while questions were shouted. LouLou preened as they walked up the stairs and into the building.

"Do you think I'll be in the paper?" LouLou asked as they entered the building.

"Maybe," Shay nodded as she scanned the room for Nate, finding her mother instead. "Follow me, LouLou. I have found my mother." LouLou started to blush as Shay took her by the hand and led her to where her mother was holding court near the stage that had been set up for the occasion.

The bookstore was in a four-story building. The store and coffee shop were on the basement level. There was a large gallery on the ground level and living space on the second and third stories. It was a massive building that smelled of coffee.

Shay led LouLou toward her mother, who stopped what she was saying to Ophelia and turned to LouLou as if she had been waiting to meet her forever. Shay had told Reyna that she would be bringing one of her biggest fans, so she was prepared.

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