Chapter 14

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It was the end of week nine of her twelve-week stint as Nathan Wright's assistant, and so far, Shay had loved every minute of it. They had taken off the week following their return, but Shay had still gone into the office at least once every day to ensure that everything was up to date for Nate when he returned.

When they returned the following Monday, it was business as usual, and it was as if the problems they had endured during their trip and the journey itself had never taken place. The notes had been filed away, and the next big merger was on the table.

Now, it was Friday, the end of her ninth week. That meant that she had only three more weeks left as Nate's assistant before Ellen returned. With time going as fast as it was, she would be sent back to The Dragon and her humdrum life before she knew it.

Boston and Corey had welcomed her back with open arms. Corey was pleased to be able to leave Boston with Shay, and Boston was pleased to have her mother leave, period.

Shay looked at the clock on the wall across from her desk and breathed a sigh of relief that it was time to go home. Nate had taken a personal day, so there had been less to do than usual, which made the day full of paperwork, boring. It was good to get caught up, but the day lacked its usual spark without Nathan's energy keeping her on her toes.

She was about to leave the office when the phone rang, and her conscience wouldn't let her not answer it.

"Hello, Nathan Wright's office," Shay said into the phone as she grabbed a post-it note and a pen, ready to take a message.

"Oh, good! I thought I might have missed you. Is Nate there?" Ellen's hurried voice said into the phone.

"No, he took the day off," Shay said, doing away with formalities since Ellen seemed harassed.

"That explains why his phone has been off! Can you get a message to him? I would go, but the baby...." Ellen trailed off helplessly.

"If he's not answering his phone, there's not much that I can do." Shay frowned as she tried to think of a way to get in touch with Nate, and short of the Bat-Signal, there was nothing she could come up with to get the job done.

"I can give you his address, and you can hand-deliver the message." Ellen's voice sounded hopeful.

"I guess, but I don't think he will like it." Shay knew he wouldn't like her in his personal space even though she was quite pleased with the turn of events.

"It's imperative. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask," Ellen pleaded.

"Fine, give me the address." Shay did her best to keep her voice calm and professional even though she was a little bit giddy inside.

"And the message?" Shay asked as she wrote down the street and number.

"Check your email," Ellen said.

"Will the message be there?" Shay asked, confused.

"No, tell Nate to check his email. That's the message." The baby started crying. "I have to go."

Shay sighed as she wrote the message. She hoped it was important. Otherwise, Nate would be angry at the waste of time no matter what he was doing.

It only took Shay a short cab ride to reach the destination, which was a five-story brick apartment block. It didn't look like much from the outside and definitely not where a billionaire would live. Shay looked down at the address, double-checking it. Noting it was correct, her next question was how in the heck what she supposed to find Nate in a five-story apartment block.

Maybe there were names over the doorbell.

Shay climbed the stone steps and stopped at the top. There were no names, and there was no doorbell either. She was about to start banging on the door, hoping someone would answer it, when a little old lady, wheeling a shopping dollie behind her, stopped and looked up at Shay.

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