Chapter 2

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Shay was having a week, and it was only Tuesday.

Corey hadn't come home all weekend, and Elevator Man hadn't been on the elevator on Monday, and the knowledge had depressed her. She wasn't sure why it had, other than she had a crush on the man, and the idea that her friend had succeeded in gaining his attention when she couldn't was upsetting.

The day had been a comedy of errors from the start. Shay's alarm hadn't gone off on her phone due to user error. She had burnt her toast trying to do too much at once, she had slipped in the shower and pulled down the shower curtain, and then, to top it all off, her heel on her shoe had broken causing her to have to limp into the building that housed Wright Financial.

It was one of those 'stay in bed' kind of days, but she couldn't do that if she wanted to keep her job. Shay had missed too much work when she had first started her job with Wright because of her mother's accident, and her boss, who they all called The Dragon, still wanted a reason to fire her. 

Looking at her watch, she scanned the lobby and the elevator banks, noting that the Elevator Man hadn't arrived yet, which meant she still had time to grab a coffee from the coffee kiosk in the lobby. Suddenly, her day seemed a little brighter. Maybe she would even spend some of her meager savings on a six-dollar muffin.

Shay placed her order and thought of the Elevator Man as she waited. She really needed to get a life because he was turning into a little bit of an obsession.

Elevator Man had appeared out of nowhere a few months after she had started working at Wright Financial, and she had been captivated. Shay was tall at five foot ten, and he stood well above her height. He had even towered above Corey, who was a few inches taller than Shay. He worked on the 10th floor as she did, but he wasn't in accounting which meant that he was an executive, and he was always immaculately groomed with suits that were tailored to fit him perfectly, just as his tux had been on Saturday. Still, despite his powerful business-like appearance, Shay had always believed that he felt just as much out of place as she did.

Although he hadn't looked out of place standing next to Corey. 

Perhaps he was a sci-fi nerd hiding behind a business façade or a poet whose gentle soul had to work to pay the bills. Or maybe he was just another jerk, and Shay was blinded by her crush on the man. It's not as if she had ever taken the time to talk to him. Shay had never even wished him a simple good morning in passing, but she had smiled at him once, and he had smiled back. It had made her week.

Her name was called, and she picked up her coffee as she made her way to the elevators. Whether Elevator Man had arrived or not, she had to get to her desk by half-past eight or risk unemployment, and she was still determined to prove to her family that she was capable of supporting herself.

As she approached the elevator, he was there. He had his leather messenger bag on his shoulder, and he was reading something on his phone as he waited. Shay never got too close, but people shifted sometimes, and she could stand next to him for a minute or two.

Shay realized she was a bit crazy and perhaps a little pathetic that simply standing next to a man gave her a buzz, but she couldn't help it. It did. It was the one thing in her monotonous life that she looked forward to every day.

When she had come up with her plan to stop living off her rich and famous family and strike off on her own to discover herself, she had never imagined it would be so dull. Her entry-level accounting position at Wright Financial was the first job she had ever had, and while she was lucky to have it, it was the same boring number crunching day in and day out.

The elevator dinged, and the group that was waiting surged forward. It was the same crowd it usually was; Shay, Elevator Man, Peter, who worked in her department, the mousy girl who got off before she did on the 9th floor, and the older woman who worked on the 8th floor, but this time there was someone new.

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