Chapter 16

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Nate was still out of the office on Wednesday, and Shay didn't have much to do. Whatever was going on with Brody was being handled by staff in Atlanta, so after she got caught up on messages and filing, there was nothing left to do, and she had resorted to dusting and cleaning out the keyboard by lunch.

After lunch, she had a surprise visit from Nate's friend, Danica.

Danica breezed into the office as if she owned the place and looked around at the empty space. Shay didn't rush out to meet her, and she enjoyed how Danica's anger rose as she was kept waiting. Finally, when she looked as if she was about to blow, Shay calmly joined her in the outer office.

"Danica! How nice to see you. Is there something I can help you with?" Shay asked with a polite smile.

"You kept me waiting long enough, didn't you?" Danica asked as she dramatically threw her luscious locks over her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that. I was on the phone with London, and I wouldn't have been able to get anyone back after I hung up with the time difference." How easily the lie tripped off her tongue. She wasn't proud of it, but she also wasn't sorry for it.

"I see you're putting a little more time into your appearance." Danica let her eyes rake over Shay's new haircut and expensive pantsuit. "Are you sure I don't know you from somewhere?" she asked again.

"I would have recalled if we had met before. Perhaps you've seen me around the building on one of your visits." Shay suggested with another smile.

Danica looked her over once more, then dismissed the subject. "I need to see Nathan. It's of the utmost importance."

"He's not here." Shay shook her head. "He had to go out of town on company business."

"Where did he go?" Danica demanded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't say. I am delivering his messages to him daily, and I would be happy to pass one along to him," Shay thought Danica wouldn't take her up on the offer, but she must have wanted Shay to know the information because she gave a smug smile.

"Yes, you can. Would you tell Nathan that I have just obtained two exclusive tickets to Sullivan Richards' new movie premier next month? They were hard to come by, but the proceeds are all going to a literacy program for children." Danica watched Shay carefully as she delivered the news.

Shay nodded, knowing she would be at that same premier because the only acceptable excuse not to go would be death. "I'll make sure Mr. Wright gets the message," Shay assured her.

Danica looked her over once more before she turned and left the office on a cloud of some very expensive perfume.

About twenty minutes later Ellen called, wanting an update.

"How's everything?' she asked, and Shay could hear the baby making snuffling noises in the background.

"Fine, I'm caught up on everything that I can think of since Nate is still in Atlanta. Is there anything that I can do for you?" Shay smiled when the baby burped.

"Sorry about that." Ellen laughed. "No, why don't you take the day. I don't think that Nate will be back this week if everything I hear from the lawyers is true."

"Is it bad?" Shay whispered.

"Yes, and Nate is taking it all personally. He said you warned him, and he should have been proactive when you did. Not even he could have guessed that what would happen would be so bad." Ellen sighed.

Shay bit her lip to keep from asking how bad.

"How did you know?" Ellen inquired.

"I overheard him talking about another woman at the reception, and what he was saying was not very nice." Shay was keeping it honest but not revealing the whole truth.

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