Chapter 20

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Nate had to cancel their date because of a work emergency, which disappointed Shay immensely. Part of her wondered if he was lying. Maybe he had had second thoughts after Shay had opened all her baggage at his feet and let him see all the dirty bits.

She could have called Ellen, but that somehow seemed disloyal to Nate if he was telling the truth.

A week later, when she still hadn't heard anything from him other than the repeated apology text, she started to accept the fact that she had never stood a chance and did her best to stop thinking about what might have been.

Part of her knew it was probably her screwed-up mind and horrible self-esteem where men were concerned that was affecting her judgment on the matter, but she couldn't help it. It was what people meant when they said we are often our worst enemy.

Sawyer had invited her to stay with him for a while, and Shay took him up on the offer. For some reason, seeing Corey and knowing that she had at least been on a date with Nate when she hadn't started to smart a little.

Of course, she immediately regretted it and wondered if Sullivan would pay her bail for attempted manslaughter. Something or someone was affecting Sawyer as badly as Nate was affecting her, and all they did was snip at each other.

LouLou had invited her over again for dinner, but Shay had turned her down. If Shay found out that Nate had returned and hadn't told her, it would devastate her.

Ellen invited her for lunch at the end of the second week, and Shay accepted. She had to know one way or another, and Ellen would be honest with her. Shay wondered if there was a way she could get Ellen to catch her up on what was going on without her having to ask about Nate directly.

Shay met Ellen in her office on Friday, and Ellen spent a considerable amount of time catching Shay up on all the latest baby news before they even made a move to leave the office.

"Ellen, shouldn't we go and get something to eat. I'm sure Nate wants you back eventually." Shay forced a smile to her lips.

"Oh, there's no rush. Nate has been gone for the last two weeks. He had to go to Hong Kong, and the time difference is playing havoc with communicating effectively with him. It was the easiest return to work ever. You had everything caught up, and Nate left right away, so no new work was generated."

"I'd ask what's going on, but I know you can't tell me, especially now that I don't work for the company." Shay stood with a hint that they should go.

"Ellen reached for her purse and followed Shay's lead. "How is the new job going?"

Shay immediately launched into some of the challenges she was facing with international finance law, which got them through the elevator ride.

"You know, you should talk to Nate about that when he gets back. He's a wiz at the international stuff." Ellen smiled sweetly, and Shay couldn't help but think that it was a little too sweet.

By the end of lunch, Shay had the truth out of Ellen. Ellen had purposely asked Shay to temp for her because she trusted Shay and knew she would do a good job and because Nate had mentioned the beautiful woman in the elevator.

"It didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together and realize that you two were talking about each other. The day he lent you his jacket only confirmed my suspicions." Ellen smiled again.

"That was the day you pushed me to interview," Shay recalled.

"Yes, but it didn't really work out with you two, did it?" Ellen sighed.

"I wouldn't say that," Shay softly responded.

"No?" Ellen hopefully asked.

"You know Nate well enough to know that he's not going to make a move on an employee."

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