Chapter 4

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Shay had brought in Elevator Man's jacket but, to her disappointment, he wasn't on the elevator that morning, so she carried it to her desk and placed it on the back of her chair. It was at about half-past ten when The Dragon came to her cubicle and told her, with a smug look, that she was wanted in Mr. Wright's office at two o'clock sharp. It was evident that The Dragon thought she was about to be fired.

Ellen joined her at lunch and told Shay more about the job. There would be travel involved as well as a few late nights every week, but it all sounded wonderfully challenging, and Shay was almost eager to win the job.

Half an hour before her interview, she visited the lady's room and took a few minutes to freshen herself up. She made sure her hair was still wrapped on a neat coil, and she brushed out a few wrinkles in her skirt. She had chosen flats to wear instead of heels because she didn't want to tower above Mr. Wright. Shay had learned that some men were intimidated by taller women.

It was a quick walk from the lady's room down the corridor to Ellen's office, and she took a deep breath before she entered the quiet oasis. The room was almost vintage, with dark wood floors and walls with gold lettering that spelled out Wright Financial. Ellen's desk was simple with a computer, telephone, and not much else. There were two plush chairs in cream with a small table on one side of the room.

"Oh good, you're here." Ellen smiled at her. "He's with someone and will only be a minute."

Shay nodded as she stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. It was different seeing Ellen in this environment, and she felt as if the less said, the better.

"Relax," Ellen said as she came around her desk and placed her hands on her arms, giving them a supportive squeeze. "He's not an ogre. I promise."

"Your bare desk suggests otherwise," Shay said as she wondered where all her personal items were. "You don't have any photos or a coffee cup."

"Come with me." Ellen linked her arm through Shay's and led her to a door behind her desk. "This is all for show. I have a camera in here that shows me when people enter for an appointment, this is my real office." Ellen opened the door onto a bright and sunny room with lots of plants and photos. "This is where I get all my work done. I only sit out there if I need to greet an appointment."

Shay felt the uneasy feeling in her stomach subside. "I thought Mr. Wright might be worse than The Dragon."

"Not at all," Ellen disagreed as she led the way back out of her office and into the main entry area. As she did, the door to Mr. Wright's office opened, and a beautiful redhead exited. She stopped and looked at Shay with narrowed eyes.

"I know you, don't I?" She asked in an accusing voice.

The woman did look familiar, which meant that she could only be part of New York's upper crust, but so far, Shay's connection to the famous Richards had gone unnoticed, and she wanted to keep it that way.

"I don't think so," Shay said. "I'm in accounting."

The redhead gave her one more glance before she breezed out of the office.

"Nate, your two o'clock interview is here." Ellen smiled over at Shay once more as she spoke into the phone. He must have agreed to see her because Ellen set the phone down and told her to come to her real office when the interview was over.

Shay walked toward the door with a nod and a deep breath as she turned the knob with a trembling hand. She couldn't believe she was so nervous. As she entered, she noticed that the desk was empty, and she did a quick scan of the room to see where Mr. Wright might be. Her eyes grew wide as Elevator Man stepped out of a room on the left.

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