Chapter 10

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Denver and Seattle had been much the same as Chicago but with less drama. It was a constant barrage of meetings and note-taking, and everyone in both locations respected and deferred to Nate in all things, and he was considerate enough not to roll in and start changing everything.

One thing was definitely the same in every location, and that was the women who flirted with Nate at every opportunity. Shay had heard on multiple occasions about how lucky she was to get to work with him on a daily basis.

Shay was aware that he was a very considerate person and did his best to ensure that she had all that she needed to do her job. She barely had time to realize a need before Nate had answered it.

But they still, by mutual and silent consent, avoided elevators.

Ellen had texted to say that she had had a boy, and they named him Sebastian. Shay was happy for her, but at the same time, it made her feel sad that she was just past thirty with no chance of ever having a child in sight.

Now they were in Los Angeles, and she had the challenge of trying to get some time off so that she could see her family while she was in town. Sawyer had asked her again about the party, and she thought that she might be able to make it since it was on Saturday night, but as the week progressed, it seemed as if it might not happen.

"Shay, I need you!" Sawyer said into the phone as she entered the suite that she and Nate were sharing.

"I understand that, but why can't you just go stag? I promise you. You won't be lonely," Shay assured him, knowing that he would have half a dozen women latch on to him as soon as he entered the party.

"That's the point! I don't want to have to fight them off, and you make a great buffer."

"Poor baby, you lead such a miserable life, and I do not appreciate being called a buffer, thank you very much." Shay laid her purse and bag down on the small settee and turned to get a bottle of water from the tray on the table.

When she turned, she saw Nate at the table in the corner in front of his computer.

"I have to go," Shay said and hung up her phone without giving Sawyer a chance to say goodbye.

"Trouble?" Nate asked as he scrolled with his finger.

"No, just my brother. He wants me to go to a party with him tomorrow night." Shay explained. "We'd probably have dinner with my parents beforehand."

"Do you not want to go?" Nate carefully asked.

"Dinner with my parents, sure. A party with my brother's friends, not so much." Shay shrugged.

"You are, of course, free to go. You know that, right?" Nate looked up at her, and his green eyes searched Shay's face from behind his glasses.

"Thanks, but I might play the mean boss card. I haven't decided yet." Shay smiled at him before she made her way to her room. She needed a moment to collect herself before she joined him to work.

In Chicago, he had avoided working in the suite with her, but something changed in Denver, and now they spent most evenings working together. It was much more efficient, and Shay had to admit that something was calming about sitting across from him.

After a brief break, she joined him, and they worked for a few hours before it was time to change for the reception. Shay had heard some whispering about some important guests that would be attending, although exactly who it would be was very hush-hush, so she took more time than usual on her appearance.

Once again, Shay joined the reception on her own because Nate still felt he had to meet her in the lobby and not the suite.

Shay had been at the party for half an hour when there was a commotion at the door, and she turned to see her parents enter the room. A murmur of surprise swept the room as the elegant Reyna Richards and her debonair husband Carson Richards entered the room.

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