Chapter 7

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The meeting was in its second hour, and Shay's hands were cramping as she tried to keep up with the notes she was taking. She was on her third week working as Nathan Wright's assistant. The first week had been easy with Ellen helping her, but the second week left her floundering because she felt Nate was watching for her to make even minor mistakes.

The travel arrangements had been made long ago for Nate's six-city tour of the U.S. branches for Wright Financial, and all that was needed was to add her name to all the necessary documents. They left on Monday of Shay's third week and landed in Chicago. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were set aside for meetings with a reception for the executives on Friday night, leaving  Friday for any extra meetings or rounds of golf that popped up as they worked their way through the week. Saturday and Sunday were to be spent sorting the information gathered, and Monday was another travel day to the next city. In all, Chicago, Denver, Seattle, Los Angeles, Austin, and Atlanta were to be visited with each week to follow the same pattern.

Ellen had consoled her with the fact that when they returned, they would take a week off, but the idea of six weeks without a day off was daunting. Sure, they were flying on a private jet and had a private car to take them wherever they needed to go, but Shay knew that it would be a constant marathon with very little time off.

The hotel in Chicago was the best, and Shay had only to lift a finger, and anything she wanted would be done. Even the food was delicious, but she shared a suite with Nate. It was two bedrooms with a large living area so that they could entertain and have a neutral meeting area if necessary. It had only been one night, but it had been awkward, and they had dinner separately, which, if continued, would prove a lonely trip for Shay.

Now, she sat at a small table behind Nate, pounding away on her laptop while he listened to the presentations that were being delivered as the top-level executives from each department updated him on what had happened in the past year.

Nate tried to visit each branch every year so that he knew everyone, and they, in turn, knew him. In the brief interactions of that morning, Nate seemed to be well-liked and respected, and he so seldom talked that when he did, silence ensued so that no one would miss his words of wisdom, direction, or appreciation.

Shay had bought a few new suits for the trip because she hadn't wanted to let Nate down with a less than perfect appearance, and the one she had chosen that morning was navy blue with a pencil skirt and a waist-length jacket. The thin silk blouse under it was more for decorum than show, and now that she was in a stuffy room full of people, she wished she had worn a blouse that would allow her to remove her jacket.

She had also bought new shoes, which were killing her feet, but since she was at the head of the room, and everyone was paying attention to her because she wasn't Ellen, she couldn't even ease her feet out of them for a brief reprieve.

Nate thanked the woman who had just ended her presentation, and the redhead preened as if she had just won a major award.

"I think that we will take a half-hour break," Nate said as he looked at those sitting around the table, and they all nodded and murmured their agreement. "Is there a place where my assistant and I can discuss a few things?"

"Of course! If you'll follow me." A small round woman with heavy glasses who had been sitting across from Shay taking her own notes jumped up and motioned for them to follow her.

Shay gathered her things and passed by Nate, who had held the door open for both women.

"It's just down the hall. Normally, it would be for our Communications Director, but that position is currently vacant. I'm Amanda, by the way. I'm Mr. Seaton's assistant."

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