Chapter 21

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It took a few dates for Nate to invite Shay back to his place for dinner. There was no way she could host him at Sawyer's because she had little doubt that Sawyer would listen at the door and make unnecessary comments.

When Shay arrived at Nate's, he opened the door to the smell of something delicious, classical music playing softly in the background, and an overall warm atmosphere. Shay couldn't help but think that, once again, it felt like coming home.

"I brought some wine," Shay offered him the bottle with a shy smile.

"Thank you," he took it and waved her into the apartment, taking her purse and placing it on a chair by the door. "You look lovely," he commented as his eyes took in her pretty pink sundress and sandals.

Nate looked good too. He was wearing slacks and a dress shirt, and Shay couldn't help but admire how he filled out his clothes. Of course, it always helped when one had a good tailor, which Nate probably did.

Shay smiled and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, suddenly shy. "What's for dinner?" she asked. "It's not one of those trick jobs where you pick it up from a local restaurant and rush home to mess up the kitchen, so everyone thinks you cooked it, is it?" Shay teased.

Nate smiled. "No. There's this handy invention called a crockpot. You put it on in the morning, and it is done by the evening." He led the way to the kitchen across the room and placed the wine bottle on the counter while he found a corkscrew.

Shay could only stare at him dumbfounded. Nathan Wright, head of Wright industries, used a crockpot!

"Is something wrong?" Nate asked with a frown.

"I thought only busy soccer Moms used crockpots," Shay shook her head as she crossed the room to join him.

"Not a soccer ball in sight," Nate smiled as he pulled the cork.

Shay wandered over to the crockpot and lifted the lid looking in at the bubbling contents.

"It's a spicy pineapple roast pork with lemongrass rice." Nate moved to stand behind her, picking up his fork and scooping out a little with his left hand while his right hand reached around from the other side to keep it from dripping on her dress. "Here, try it. If you don't like it, we can order something else."

With his arms wrapped around her, she was sure she would enjoy anything.

Shay delicately took a bite, chewing slowly. "It's delicious," she complimented when she had finished.

Nate hadn't moved from behind her, and he slowly set the fork down, then took the lid of the crockpot from Shay's hands and replaced it.

"You smell good," Nate said as he nuzzled her ear. Shay felt something stir deep in her belly as her legs turned to jelly, and she had to grab the countertop to keep from falling.

"Should we eat now or wait?" Nate asked.

Shay took a shaky breath and turned to face him, and Nate made no room for her as her body slid against his. If anything, he moved in closer, trapping her against the countertop with his arms to either side of her.

"Are you going to kiss me now?" Shay asked, licking her lips in invitation.

"I-I had thought about it, y-yes." His eyes met hers with such trust as he stuttered through the statement. It caused Shay's arms to wrap around his neck and pull his face toward hers.

"Please stop thinking and start doing. Didn't you tell me only last week that you are a goal-oriented person?" Shay raised her eyebrow.

"You're not a goal, Shay. You're a gift."

Trust In Me (Triplets book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن