Chapter 3

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Nathan Wright walked away from the beautiful blond, forcing himself to ignore the fact that she was wearing his jacket and that she looked damn good in it. Typically, he always took the stairs to his office, but due to an injured knee 18 months earlier, he had switched to the elevator, and that was when he saw the beautiful blond for the first time. Nate had been captivated and done his best not to stare, but other than admiring her, he didn't think much about the incident because he believed it to be a one-time thing.

However, that wasn't the case. Day after day, she was there at the same time as him. He pretended to read his phone or the paper every day as he snuck covert glances at her. They would often be pushed together by other people, and he would inhale her delicious scent. It was something citrusy and warm and made him think of summertime.

When he arrived to take Corrina out to the fundraiser they had agreed to attend, he was shocked to see her in the apartment, and Nate was disappointed that he didn't get an introduction. Although it probably would have been awkward with ice cream dripping from her head.  He smiled at the memory as he entered the entry room to his office.

"That's a nice sight so early in the morning," his secretary, Ellen Simpson, greeted with a smile of her own.

Ellen was a sweet brunette who was heavily pregnant and waddled when she walked. She was the best assistant he had ever had, and Nate was worried about what would happen when she left for maternity leave in two weeks. Time was running out, and they couldn't agree on her temporary replacement.

"What happened to your suit jacket?" Ellen asked with a frown.

"A damsel in distress," Nate said as he thought of the blond once more. He supposed he could get Ellen to find out her name for him, but something about the woman's beauty intimidated him, and he didn't want to fall back into old habits. Plus, as the head of Wright Financial, he didn't want to take advantage of the situation. He would like to know her name, but he wanted it to happen organically, not as a research project done by his secretary.

"Ah, the mysterious woman in the elevator." Ellen smiled as she nodded.

Nate had told Ellen once, when she had asked why he was distracted, that a beautiful woman could destroy a man's concentration, and Ellen hadn't left well enough alone and dug the truth out of him.

"There's a spare suit in the closet in your private bathroom. Do you want me to track the jacket down for you? The mysterious woman works in accounting, doesn't she?"

There was nothing wrong with Ellen's memory. It was like a steel trap.

"What am I going to do without you while you're gone?" Nate asked with a long-suffering sigh.

"Don't worry. I think I have everything worked out." Ellen picked up a piece of paper, cleared her throat, and then read. "Already employed by Wright with a BA in English, MBA with a focus on International Finance, speaks French, German, and Spanish, types 55 words a minute, and that's just the highlights."

Nate frowned. He had to admit that it was a great start. His hesitancy was because of the traveling that he would have to do over the next month. He and Ellen had a system, and he didn't want to drag another woman along and have her get the wrong idea.

"The name on the resume is Shayne Richards." Ellen was watching him closely. "Would you like me to set up an interview? If we can get the position filled this week, that will give me all next week to train the newbie."

Shane was a man's name. Had she found him a man? That would make things so much easier.

"Sure," he agreed. He had to hire someone, and pushing it back really wasn't an option, and as long as Shane wasn't like that girl on the elevator this morning, it should be fine.

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