Chapter 13

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The week went surprisingly well. Shay only saw Brody in a group setting, and he never attempted to talk to her, although he did make eye contact a time or two with a smug smile. Friday had arrived, and it was time for the reception. Shay was wearing her little black dress one more time as she thought about the trip home in the morning.

They were going to fly to New York, take a few days off and regroup on Monday in the office, and Shay had to admit that she was looking forward to some time off.

As Shay entered the reception room, her eyes automatically zeroed in on Nate, who women surrounded as usual.

"I must admit that I never thought you had it in you, Shay." Brody's voice still sounded the same.

Shay ignored him as she moved toward the bar and ordered her usual, but he followed her. He had never been good at taking a hint, and he had always enjoyed getting under her skin with his little barbs. The fact that she hadn't bitten on his dramatic statement only meant that he would try a little harder.

"Nathan Wright is a billionaire, and you have him eating out of the palm of your hand." Brody leaned back against the bar as he watched Nate. "But it looks like you have quite a bit of competition."

Shay ignored him once again and moved to a table on the opposite side of the room, but Brody still followed her. She caught Nate's eye, and he looked as if he was about to join her, but she shook her head in an attempt to get him to stay away. If he joined them, it would only add fuel to Brody's fire.

Nate's eyes narrowed, but he turned his attention back toward the woman with whom he was talking.

"I guess he doesn't care to join you. Perhaps he's already grown bored with you, Shay." Brody lifted his glass to his lips, and Shay took a moment to really study him.

What had she ever seen in him? He was handsome in a plain, boy next door kind of way, but he lacked depth, both in looks and as a human, and if she remembered correctly, he had never been very smart.

"I mean, it isn't hard to do if I recall. Look at those sweet little petite women with all those curves gazing at him as if he hung the moon. The one in the green dress isn't the least bit shy about showing off her assets." Brody was leering at the woman who was indeed wearing a dress that was cut a little too low to be considered professional. "Your tall skinny self can't hope to compete with that."

Shay watched Nate from across the room, considering it. Nate and the woman were having what appeared to be a polite conversation, but Nate's eyes never strayed past her face, even when she pretended to spill some of her drink on herself in order to get him to look at her heaving bosom.

The term made Shay smile. She'd bet money that Nate was highly uncomfortable but hiding it well. Maybe she should go and save him.

"I bet she's better at everything than you are, if you get my drift. She looks like she'd be a wild cat between the sheets, not a cold statute who just lays there and bears it." Brody's look became more lecherous, if that was possible.

There was a time when his words would have hurt Shay, but not anymore. She had thought for a long time that perhaps she was frigid, but then she had met Elevator Man, and that had changed everything. Simply standing next to him made her blood rush and her heart pound.

No, she wasn't frigid, she just hadn't met the right man, and now that Shay had, there was nothing she could do about it because she worked for him.

"You done?" Shay asked as she finished her water. "Because I am." She turned to leave, but before thinking better of it, she turned to face Brody one last time. "If I was frigid, it was because I never really wanted to have sex with you in the first place, and let's be honest, it was never about me and whether I enjoyed it. It was about you getting off in as short a time as possible and then leaving to go hang out with the guys. You weren't good at sex then, and I doubt you're any better now because you're too selfish." Shay headed toward Nate to try and save him from the buxom lady in the green dress.

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