Chapter 30

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George's POV

I did everything I could to save her, to help her. She deserved to live so much longer. But my attempts only turned to failure.

After she had cast her spell, everyone fell from the enemies side. It's as if they had never lived a day, just soulless bodies. We had won the war once again. But at the cost of my sisters life.

I made it to her as quick as possible. My parents were balling, my brothers were dead inside, and my pack seemed distraught.

When I finally got past them, there she laid. She was bleeding every where, cuts deep within her side. The life was leaving her body. That's when I knew that it was truly over.

I held her hand for the last time, she squeezed it but her grip began to fade, just as her life was. I began to cry, I could feel her bond with the pack disappearing until it was gone.

After she had taken her last breath, and orb of light surrounded her. Before it soaked back into her skin. No one knew what was happening or why. Even now, none of us know. We assume that it had taken her to the other side, back to our creators.

That day was tragic. Everyone mourned the loss of such a great warrior, a daughter, and a sister. Her funeral was massive, and everyone had attended it.

She was placed in a mausoleum. It was small but perfect. As it was what she always wanted. I only knew that because I had snuck and read her diary alot as a kid. Just to keep an eye on my little sister. She may have never known, but I was always watching over her.

The mausoleum was made just for her. It had giraffes chiseled into the walls. As it was her favorite animal. There were sunflowers sprouting everywhere as it was her favorite flower. Everything just as she would have wanted it.

Each person of the family even wrote her a letter. We laid the letters which were in their proper envelopes, on the mount protruding from the wall.

Maybe if she ever got the chance to come back, she could read the letters that we left for her. I could only hope.. Right?

I had spent most of my time in solitary just as everyone else had. Mourning the loss of my sister. My dad was no longer him self. He was out of it really.

My sisters death really took a toll on him. My mother was his support. He leaned on her, and she had to be strong for him. She would never let him see her shed a single tear. He had always been her rock, and now it was her turn to return the favor.

But I know that she stays up late, after my father goes to bed. She sits in my sisters room and cry's for hours. Letting all her pain and sorrow flow throughout her body. I felt for her, I felt for all of our losses. We mourned in different ways, but we were still mourning together.

I knew it would take time to get over her passing. But we we all agreed to leave her room un touched. It would serve as a reminder of how lucky we were to have her in our life's. And that no matter what, she chose us, just as we chose her.

The king and queen didn't seem to be slightly bothered by the death of their daughter. Since they had another child , it seems as if the forgot their first born child.

I couldn't imagine watching my child grow up from a distance, never meeting them. Watching another family raise them... it had to be tough. But even then, they still should have mourned for her like the rest of us.

Yet they didn't, and no one dare to question them. I suppose they were happy they didn't have to hand their kingdom down to the child they never raised.

I looked to the moon before trying to drown in my sleep to ease the pain. I prayed to her, to our savior, my sister , my best friend....

"I'll never forget you Demetria. I'll love you always, and no matter what. Your always going to be my sister. I'll always choose you."

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