Chapter 10

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I had awoke this morning to a empty bed once again. It was 8:41 a.m. and I was officially late for work. I was revived in energy for it to turn to worry. I quickly grabbed my phone and sure enough. It was dead as a doornail.

I plugged it up and decided on taming my hair, let's just say that it isn't always easy. I finally got done in a short span of 5 minutes and went with the messy bun to match my crappy look.

I made my way to my phone when it started dinging a few times. A couple texts made it's way into my screen. Some were from Giovanni, and one was from Aurora.

The ones from Giovanni had informed me that he was pulling an all nighter and would be home at 7 this morning for some sleep. But it was weird. He never had to do them unless it's inventory. And that has already happened for the year.

I sent him a text that said "good morning hunny, how's work?" His response was a little slow.
"I'm not at work baby, I'm at home in bed. I'm sleepy so I'm going to lay down. I'll see you when you get off work. I love you."

That was just flat out irritating. Why is he lying? Why would he claim to be at home when I'm here still at the house. He said he would be home at 7, and I tend to leave at that time to head to work on Friday's....

I can't just go accusing him. Hmmm maybe I'll just let it side. I feel like I have to much on my plate for now to just confront him. With all this Aurora business

Besides, I trust him. That's a main part of the foundation for our relationship. He's always been a great man... maybe he's almost home. Who honestly knows.

So I got some skinny jeans and my fishing shirt and put it on. And then put on my boots.
I decided to skip out on breakfast as I wasn't feeling it this morning. As I was headed to the office, I was hoping to find more out in this mystery man.

It would be horrible to give them information and pictures of a man we can't identify. The only thing I have so far is that Aurora has horrible taste in movies, she's a shopaholic, and she has a some what flirty mysterious man she had been meeting with.

I had made it to my office just to scramble to my computer. I felt like a real life spy at this moment. So I quickly got to work. Hoping for some answers behind the mystery man.

30 minutes later, all I had was a hooded man. Nothing new. No still shots of his face, not even a peek. The only thing he had on him that was even noticeable was a wedding ring. He kept messing with it, almost in a way to hide it. Maybe we had another case of a cheating husband on our hands. Time would soon tell.

I printed out the photos to go in the file for information I had so far, along with a report on my time on the stake out. I had a itch that I needed to scratch. That itch so happened to be Auroras current where abouts. I had pulled up the tracker once more, and like clock work , she was at the diner for breakfast.

She stayed a little while this time. Probably close to an hour. From there  I had tracked her over to the same park. Where the same man appeared. Hooded and once again hiding Him self from the public eye. It's mysterious as fuck. The park visit was short today and it lasted for 15 minutes before she was tracked to a unknown address. Where she stayed for the moment.

Wanting some background information. I looked it up, and it was a nice house. A 2 story home, 2 car garage, with beautiful flowers and a gorgeous blue paint that accented the garden.  It was a royal suburbia .

I had decided to pursue this. As I grabbed my glasses and phone, plus my keys and headed to the address listed. It was a little ways out of town in Morristown. About 20 minutes from the office.

As I pulled over across the street a ways away from the house, I noticed an older couple in the window. They Looked around the same age as my parents. The woman had brown hair. It's almost all I could make out as far as features. And I noticed the man was a red head like my self. But it was hard to tell any way, as I couldn't see well from this distance. As I scanned the house . I spotted Aurora in a window upstairs, she looked to be on the phone, smiling and laughing. I wondered what she was doing at such a place. Or why she walked around like this was her parents home. So I took some photos of the older couple and the house it's self. It could come in handy or even be useful information for the case. After I gathered all I could information wise. I started making my way back to the office. I was hoping to to have them printed soon. I wanted to know who these people were. And why she was there.

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