Chapter 27

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Demetria's POV

I didn't see or hear from Sergey for the rest of the day. I wondered what it is he thought about me. I bet he's in his mothers secret garden, where he used to take me and tell me all about his day.

Some of which was the abuse that his mother obtained. It was really sad honestly. And I felt awful for Sergey. His father was abusive, but when he was a boy, I had thought he would take after his mother, and be the King his coven needs.

But alas, he turned into his father. I did not see greed in Sergey's eyes as his father had held. Nothing but love and admiration showed through.

Before the fall of his mother, exactly one week before I laid my life down, his mother had killed her self. It was said that she had slit her wrists in her secret garden. Or course no one was to know, so he told his people she had taken her life in his bed.

It was a hard time for Sergey back then, the grief of his mothers life, and the power hungry ruthless rules that his father had imprinted on him.

The day she had died, his father had told him that soul bounds make you weak, and when they die, they take you with them.

Sergey had seen a shift in his father. He had become a monster, he wanted to rule everyone and everything and it did not matter the cost. Sergey didn't have the best child hood.

His father was a ruthless monster , and his mother had taken her own life. And one week after, I had died as well. I don't know how Sergey's life went afterwards. Or even how he handled all of it. But he no doubt, he turned into a selfless leader for his people.

I do not blame him for what he did to me, what he demanded from me, he only wanted to protect his people. I want to help, and I'll do what it takes. But I don't think I can ever be his soul bound...


The next day, Sergey had once again shown up to see me. I was a little surprised, yet happy.

"So you came back for me?"

He looked a little taken back by my question.

"Yes I did.... I wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything. I didn't know that you were the same woman who had played a major role in my life."

"So being my Soul bound doesn't matter? But me being the woman who had impact on your life as a child does? What the fuck Sergey.!"

He had quickly covered his tracks. He looked awe struck, and scared.

"That's not what I meant Z. I should have never said I didn't care. I should have never tortured you. I should have never pushed you to your breaking point. Look I'm sorry. I want you to be in my life, and I want to give us a shot. I know what I did was wrong but at least let me try to make it up to you."

I could sense that he was remorseful in what he had done. Maybe he isn't so much like his father after all. I could only hope. Right?

"I can forgive you for what you have done. But you must understand. I only wanted what's best for you. I know the last time I had lived was a long time ago. But I still fight for all creations and not just one."

He seemed to understand but was self conflicted on what to think.

"There's also something I meant to say earlier. I know your life has been hard. But you don't need me. It's time I go back home, and do what I was created for."

"NO , you can't , you will die! I have read the prophecy Z and you just can't. You can't leave me here alone... again..."

I understood, all he ever had was taken from him at a young age. I know he didn't want to lose me, but I had to do what I was born to do. And that was to defend our people. People of all creations. Didn't matter what cost it was. Even if it did hurt to even consider leaving.

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