Chapter 16

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                       Demetria's POV

I was tired of falling into this oblivion. It was never ending. I had learned so much here though. I knew what to expect when I woke up. I was going to leave Giovanni, never have a normal life again, train with the best. And hope to Live long enough to meet my mate. All I wanted was that one request. I wanted to meet the other half of me, the one built for me. I knew that person was alive some how. I would have known if they were dead. I still feel that there is this emptiness in me that needs to be filled.

Giovanni doesn't know I feel that way, yet I always have. He was a wonderful spouse, he was amazing for the most part. Sure everyone has their moments when they feel like their relationship won't last. But I felt that ours might last forever. I was never certain though. And even now, I feel bad for Aurora, or Maria. What ever her real name is. That was one thing I hadn't for sure known. I feel bad for imposing on a mate bond. Now that I know or as you would call it remember. I felt awful. What had I done?

Who is to say I would meet my mate this time around since I didn't last time. I knew if I did live, I would be a Luna, and once I filled the position properly and got the hang of things, I would be queen. I would have to select one of my brothers to be the new alpha, and carry on the position . If I got the chance, I would choose George. I felt like he would be a perfect fit for a alpha position.

As the darkness was becoming lighter , things came to me faster. I felt the urge, the need to wake up. But I couldn't...

Later on, I could hear voices. I heard my father speaking to me. Telling me it was time to wake up. I tried my best to move my hand or my eyes. After many attempts, I was able to open my eyes slowly. A bright light entering my eyes. I immediately shut my eyes, the bright light hurt my head and my eyes all in one whack.

"I'm sorry sweetie let me dim the lights for you."

I heard my father speak before the brightness disappeared. I slowly opened my eyes once again. I immediately noticed a white Ceiling. Upon looking around, I noticed I was in my child hood room. It looked exactly how I had left it. I was admiring everything around me, as my father waited patiently. I saw the posters that my dad and I had to create for a school project. The project was based upon your favorite band or musician. I had went with the Beastie Boys, yeah I know that it's older music, and in other terms it was considered as a classic band. When I got the idea of it, I asked my dad to help. Since it was also his favorite band. We spent hours just listening to their music and spending time together in creating my master piece.

Then everything hit me like a brick wall. Everything in this room is a lie. My parents weren't my parents. My brothers weren't my brothers, and this home was not my home. Everything started spiraling down on me. All this time, I lived a lie. All of it, it was all bullshit. I now know who I was born to be, who I was meant to be. Even with having this knowledge, I had never felt more out of place.

My father spoke up with a somewhat shaky voice. It indicated that he knew he fucked up. But I knew he had no choice. How could I stay mad at someone who was only trying to protect me.

"I know you have a lot of questions darling. I'm here to answer all that I can. When ever your ready. I'll
Be here, but for now. Maybe you should just lay there and rest. I'll be back up in a bit with something to eat. I'm certain your famished." With that, he was out of the door.

My dad tried his best to smile at me, but I could see the guilt eating him alive. I know he feels so awful for letting me believe that this life I had built would last until it was my time to leave this world. I know he feels awful about the marriage between Giovanni and I. It's like I can feel him, his feelings, his intentions. I could just read him by being in the same room. I guess this is my powers coming back to me. The moon goddess had once told me that she gave me the power of knowing, because she wanted me to see clearly without any deception. She told me that I had to keep my head on straight, and do what I was made for.

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