Chapter 9

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Demetria's POV

When I had returned home from my stressful day of planning for the intel i would need for the case. I was tired, and worn down with a slight headache. So I quickly dismissed Giovanni to let him know I wasn't feeling well.

He proceeded to tell me he loves me and tucks me into bed. Kissing my forehead softly. He wished me good night. And before he was even out the room, I was in a deep and peaceful slumber.

I woke up the next morning and Giovanni was gone once again. He left another note saying that he was going in to work early. So I jumped in the shower and threw on a pair of baby blue shorts. A plain black T shirt, and my black pair of Tennis shoes.

I also have a blonde wig as well. It took  some time to put my wig on, like always. No one ever said putting a bald cap on was easy..

I tend to dress this way if I have to follow people. Although a lot of the times I'm hired for an on foot case. The person in question doesn't know me, or the fact I'm following them.

How ever I don't want to blow my cover. Regardless, so I always wear something inconspicuous. I always like to match my clothes with a hoodie. That way I look like some average teenager.

Then I have my glasses. I don't use them to read or anything. But they are my source for pictures and videos. My glasses have a little camera on the corner.

No one would ever expect them to pertain a camera. Plus the glasses made it easier to spy on people. It was much better than using a regular camera. It would make me nervous and that leads to me thinking I'm busted. Besides. Since Aurora does know me personally. I would have to be Completely undercover. I couldn't just walk into my office as one person and leave as another. So I had to make this quick.

I headed out for my office. I had to check her current whereabouts to make my first move. I was nervous that she would notice me. However that's always my nerves talking. I guess I never got used to the thrill of being caught on a case.

I had made the discovery that she has been back to same diner for breakfast for a week straight. It seems she always arrived at 8:15 a.m on the dot.

I had learned in previous cases that I've worked, that if someone consecutively goes to the same place at the same time several days in a row, then there most likely meeting someone.

I decided to let it go and that I would further investigate her at the diner another time. As I had been too late to catch her there.

I gathered all the things I would need for my mission. Calling it a mission made me feel like a vigilante, and in some ways , I was. I put cheaters in their places and brought peace to those who wondered.

I took one good last look in the mirror. I looked perfectly unrecognizable. I guess I have many movies and actors to thank for this talent. As that's where I fell in love with the concept.

I had already sent the information to my phone, and was headed out to hopefully find nothing out of the ordinary, as I didn't want to accept and come to terms with the fact that she isn't who she says she is.

Acceptance has always been hard for me. Especially a circumstance like this. Many people have betrayed my trust. So that is a major reason as to why I had such a hard time.

I was headed to a park near by the diner she had been going too frequently. I've never been to this park, as it's on the other side of my small town of Villa, Tennessee. So everything here was newer to me.

Besides It's not like I had a reason to attend the park any way. I had grew out of it at an older age. However I still prevailed when I gave up my love for basketball. It was something that flowed in my blood and I was amazing. It gave me a sense of placement in the world. Yet made me feel important and helped me develop life skills as well. I had started playing less and less due to injuries I sustained as a teenager playing sports. It ended up permanently damaging me. Most of the problems came from my left knee. I had tore my ACL my junior year in high school. And After that it was never the same. So as time went on and I got older, the pain didn't stop. It just worsened until I couldn't play no more. It broke my heart, and from that day on. I never attended another park again.

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