Bonus Chapter

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                           Aurora's POV

When Demetria caught us kissing, I knew then and there what was happening. I loved Demetria, I really did. She was the sister I never had. I didn't have any siblings, and because of that, I was an only child. Demetria was assigned to me when I was 12. I knew she was the "lost princess" as most had called her.

As we got older, I began to see her as my sister. We were always together. We would get in so much trouble. But when I turned 18, I met my mate Giovanni. The mate bond makes us attracted to one another, more than a regular person. We know who our mate is the second we lay our eyes upon them. You would die for your mate.

I remember the day I met Giovanni. He ran to me immediately growling lowly "mate." He was establishing his dominance and what belonged to him. He was also one the royals high ranking warriors, and I was proud to call him my mate.

2 weeks after we met, we got hitched. A traditional bond was not a marriage but in our eyes, it was the same. We had not fully Mated yet, as I wasnt ready. He may have marked me, but we did not complete the ceremony by fornication. So there for, we weren't fully connected. So that also belittled our bond.

Our connection wasn't as strong as some one who had completed the mating process. I wanted time and Giovanni was willing to wait. So that's what we did.

About 4 months into our bond, the king and queen requested that Giovanni marry Demetria. To be a second set of eyes and ears, but to also give Demetria the most normal life she could have. To live as a human that is. They wanted their daughter to have a bright future, as well as a happy home. We all know that she is doomed to death by the end of the war. Since her purpose was fulfilled, what reason did she have to stay on the earth.

Giovanni was hesitant, but had agreed. Seeing as he didn't have another choice. No one defied the king and queens requests. He did not understand why the king and queen took such a liking to Demetria. He truly believed that Demetria was a human. No one of mass concern, or any concern at all.

The king and queen explained that it wouldn't be forever. Only for a few years at most. He just had to play house with some one who wasn't myself, his mate. The one that was rightfully made for him.

At first , I wasn't really jealous. As myself and Giovanni would still see each other. I will admit that I was jealous of their wedding. It was nothing short of breathtakingly beautiful. The dresses, venue, food, and their dances.

I never truly believed in a traditional human marriage. It seemed to me, as a waste of money, time and resources. Sure when one would bind as mates. They would mark, and the pack would have a ceremony. Everyone would see the proud mark of their mate upon their neck. The Aurora of love emitting off of one another.

It was a bonfire, with traditional food, sounds and dances. It differed Dramatically from a traditional human wedding. But since I had witnessed their wedding first hand, I wanted one. I wanted the beautiful white dress, picking my brides maids , and all the flowers and scenery. I wanted it some day.

As the relationship continued on, and years passed, I began to see a change in Giovanni. He began to look at Demetria In a different way. A more loving, affectionate way. She was taking a toll on him and was drawing him closer to her heart. Pushing me out slowly, and easily.

I began to worry the most when Giovanni had once openly expressed his growing feelings for Demetria. I felt like I was going to lose him to her. I didn't care if she was a weapon, or if she was so special to the king and queen or even the moon goddess. No one, and I do mean no one can have my mate. He was mine, and I his. Even if he never fully completed the bond process. Which is having sex with your mate, and I had saved my self. I was still nervous and un sure even years later. We didn't get the chance to. I didn't want to rush it. I was living in the moment. That's another reason Giovanni was selected, other than his rank with the royals. Because Giovanni hadn't openly mated me Completely ,it was easier on all of us apparently.

The completed bond would only increase the mate pull by 10 fold. So I wouldn't be able to resist ripping Demetria's head off. Plus Giovanni was the only warrior who didn't have kids, and who had not completed the mating ceremony completely. So everyone else would have been compromised by their feelings, as well as their mate bond. They would easily blow their top. Plus their mate would feel everything. If their mate was kissing, touching, or having sex with another, other than his mate. Then their mate would feel it. It's a feeling that any would could feel. As if betrayal didn't hurt enough, they just had to feel the pain and sensation of their spouse cheating. I heard it is a quite tremendous pain, one I have never personally felt.

It's said that the moon goddess implemented the pain and knowing to keep werewolf's faithful. Would you be willing to cause your mate pain just because some one is thinking with the wrong head? It's not fair to those who are faithful. But it also is like an alarm system.

I wanted to tell Demetria the truth. Just to get her away from Giovanni. It's true, I was jealous now more than ever honestly. Giovanni recently bought Demetria a ring, some nice clothes. He bought her flowers, took her on dates, he did everything she wanted. I wanted to play house with him too. Yet she got all the affection, all the attention. So I had to get smarter. Find ways to draw him in. Just like I had lied about my apartment flooding. I honestly wanted to be closer to Giovanni. I wanted to see how it would feel to play house some what.

I got to cook, and clean up after my mate. Show him I cared, while Demetria was away. I wanted to call her badly after what happened. But something in me told me not too. I figured it was a sign of her transformation taking effect. I hope by the end of this, she forgives me. I don't want her to die with that on her consciousness. She was an amazing friend none the less. She is about to give her life to save us all. I am honored to know her. I'm sorry Demetria. You Weren't dealt good cards. I hope you understand...

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