Chapter 18

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It was my last day here at my parents house. I would  finally be able to join their pack tomorrow. I was excited, and I could not contain it. I had felt isolated for this entire month. Considering I haven't had any contact what So ever outside my brother and father. And of course Illustrious.

So I was ready, I needed to get the hell out of here before I go fucking nuts. Plus I would get to meet some of the people I was going to lay my life down for. As well as reconnect with my ma, and my other 4 brothers. I'm sure that they had something to Say on the previous events. I just hope they know that I love and respect them very much. Although they aren't my birth family, they are still the family I choose, and they chose me as well. Not just any one can do what they have done, especially for me. I was more than ready to die for them, if it meant their best interest.

I'm not really anxious to meet the king and the queen. I know that they didn't cast me out because they wanted too. But because they had to. There was no way that I could look them in the eye and call them mom and dad. Because they simply were not in my eyes. A title like that is well earned. One that they have never put a foot forth in. They could have wrote letters for me to read this past month. To help me understand them, and who they are. Hell maybe even what to expect. But they didn't. That was mistake number one on their part. I wanted to get to know them. But at the same time I wanted them to respect my boundaries. And understand that the people who raised me are my parents in my eyes. Even after everything. I chose them, and so far they choose me. It was a privilege to have them raise me, to let me into their home and give me the best human life I could have. They were required to take care of me, but not to love me. They didn't have to give me the time and attention that they did. Yet I was treated equally to my brothers. We all had our own problems, and none were the same. So each situation was handled according to the situation at hand.

I didn't know what to expect honestly , I was nervous about joining their pack. I had never been to it, but my prior life indicates that I have indeed heard of them. But back then, it was his great grandfather who ruled. He was a great man so I've heard. He was always fair to his people. He let them weigh in on most decisions before coming to a final one. He was a very highly respected man. So they say.

I just hope that the pack has kept the tradition of respect and loyalty to their people. I don't know what I would do if I encountered less. Tomorrow after noon I would be introduced as the alphas adopted daughter. It seems to fit since I technically am adopted. They were also keeping Giovanni and Aurora in a neighboring pack called the Black night pack. They were known for the best warriors to ever be Born. Blood line wise. At least a quarter of their blood born warriors were actually guards of the king and queen. Some guard the castle and others are personal body guard's to the king and queen them selfs. It was a pretty big honor to be called upon by the royals.

I knew this would be an interesting trip. I can't wait to meet everyone. Soon I would be their Luna. I would learn the duties that in entities. It also gives my powers a boost as well. I hope that what ever tomorrow brings , is beneficial for me.


The next morning I woke up at 7 a.m sharp. I finished up my packing that I had , which wasn't much. I had some clothes brought from home, as well as some pictures. I also had my boots, as well as my tennis shoes, and a few toiletry items. I was packed and ready to go. We enjoyed breakfast and my father spoke about his pack. He explained how things work. All un fully mated wolves would live in the pack houses. All married wolves with children would have their own homes. And the alpha and Luna had their own home as well, they were very close to the Betas house as well as 3rd in command. I had also learned that the Betas name is Dracon, and his wife Chloe as well as their 4 year old daughter named Bella. Then there was 3rd in command. His name was Rocko . He was un mated. But my father described him as a nice guy.

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