Chapter 11

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              Demetrias POV

Today was going to be different, I kept telling my self the same thing over and over when I was making my way to my office. My mind was swirling around about everything I had learned. I guess I've yet to accept that my one best friend, is lying to me, and I can't help but to feel our whole friendship was a fraud.

Once I made it to the office, I immediately went to open my emails. Ready to see what Anthony has found out about these people. But boy I don't think anything prepared me for this....

"Demetria , here are the answers you were looking for. This will be a game changer. And this lie that's going to be exposed will change you. So please read it at your own risk. I know you have a job to do... but friend to friend, I don't know what you got your self into, but be careful. As all is not as it seems.... Also to note, this case file was confidential, I'm not even supposed to be sharing it with you. So be careful please.

Name: Francesca Mia Rossi
Address: 158 Jones bridge, Villa Tennessee 23455
Children: One child was born, placed for adoption at the age of 1 years old.
Adoptive family: Travis & Tera Harrison

Name: Leonardo Mattia Rossi
Address: 158 Jones bridge, Villa Tennessee
Children: One was was born, placed for adoption at the age of 1 years old.
Adoptive family: Travis & Tera Harrison"

My jaw hit the floor, the second I saw their names... Its like my heart stopped beating. I couldn't comprehend what was happening exactly.. I finally knocked some sense into my self. And I printed out the information before attaching it to the file with the rest. I wanted it off my desk as quick as possible. I didn't want to think about it., But I couldn't help it. So After locking the file away, I spaced out. Thinking in the oblivion about everything. By the time I had come back to reality.It had already been a whole hour since i found out. There's only one simple answer... one of us is adopted. My parents have never mentioned to me about being adopted, so it could be one of my brothers. There was 6 of us total so the chances were bigger that it wasn't me.

I had spent the rest of the day just calculating and comparing, analyzing everything about my family. I thought about the features: who's matched, and who's didn't. I had many similar features in my parents that I shared. Like eye color and hair color. Yet my nose and cheek lines set different. I also wasn't built like the rest of my family. So the one conclusion I've come too, is that I don't know who's truly adopted. I feel bad for who ever it is. But no matter what, I would be brave for them.I mean, you went your whole life without knowing your true being. Let alone your real name. Which ever one of the boys it turned out to be, well it didn't matter. I would be strong for them. For my family. As something like this could change everything I've ever known. It didn't specify a gender so who could truly know? But I had bets on certain boys.

I had all these questions with no answers. And most importantly, why was she there? Who are those people to her? I didn't want to go to my parents asking about who's adopted. Quite frankly I don't believe it is my concern. I feel bad for which ever one of the boys it was.

So I'll let it be for now. I didn't know I'd find my self asking this very question not too long out.  It was time I took the next step and put a mic on Aurora to hear what's being said. If I want more answers I'll have no choice.

So I put my plan into action. I ended up texting Aurora to see if she would come over for dinner. She quickly agreed. .

So step one to my plan was now in motion. Of course Giovanni didn't know. He was still at work. But I know he wouldn't mind. Aurora ended up showing up about 10 minutes before Giovanni had arrived.

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