Chapter 25

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Demetria's POV

I had been playing peekaboo with my conscious for awhile. It's like I was watching my every day life, but had no control over my actions. I set there in a deadly silence constantly. I haven't heard from illustrious since I've hit the oblivion.

It was clear that she was blocking me out, protecting me from her, as she was severely injured or dying. I wasn't sure exactly. Although I took back seat most of the time. If I got angry enough that my body wouldn't respond, I would channel just enough energy to say something, just to reply.

Then there were times that I wasn't there at all, and it seemed as if it was a dream. The monster him self was being nice to me. He told me of the things he does, and some things he does for his coven. He also had the twins bring me books to look at.

At first I wasn't intrigued. So I made no move, but I looked at the titles. The titles tell me a lot. So I choose my books Biased like. None had sparked my interest to be honest. So I had put them all back down.

I knew it was just a dream, so I paid no mind to him, not even in my dreams should he under any circumstances get my affection in any form. That monster deserves to die alone, although I did not... I'm willing to sacrifice my self once more, to protect everyone I love, to end a war between the creations.

I have to remember that it was my soul purpose. Maybe this is the moon goddesses way of telling me that I didn't need another half. She never once mentioned it, and I surely didn't believe to have a soul bound. Or find him before the war has far from begun.

He doesn't want me, and he made that clear. I highly doubt he has even took note of my name, let alone ask me. He was careless, ruthless and evil. Just as his father before him.

He thinks I do not know of him, but I do. I had played with the boy several times in secret. It was when I was doing my recruitment for the mission. He was a child then, and surely does not remember me. As I looked the same in my previous life.

Many times I had brought him toys, and trinkets of all kinds. I would make him things in my spare time, and I always brought him a snack. He adored me, he loved me as I did him.

I had just recently remembered him, while amongst the oblivion. Visions of me adoring him in every way. I didn't know why I had cared for him so much back then, but I understand now. He was my soul bound.

I had high hopes that he would aspire to be an amazing king one day. That he would be everything his father was not. But clearly my bars had been set to high. He followed in his fathers foot steps. The only difference is the fact that he is not power mad.

I have some respect for him, as he had met some of my standards. He does care highly for his people, with only their best interests on his mind. He wanted me to defend his people and rid the world of the vampiric king. But he also wanted me to fight all his battles, slaughter people, and make him the strongest.

He wanted it this way so that no one dare challenge him. Or his position. But it sent a warning for people who wished to invade and cause harm to himself and his people.

But I could not do that. I wasn't built to protect him and his people , but the whole set of creations. I could not just serve one, as I am not just one. Although my wolf is full and I am mainly of that kind, it was dominate. How ever 25% was vampire and 25% was witch. But I never received a full soul for any of my creations except my wolf, which you know her as Illustrious.

But I had decided that he could be following in his fathers foot steps as far as soul bounds go. I know he had told him as a boy that soul bounds are bad for you. They make you soft and weak, and make no mistake. They will die, and when they do, they take you with them.

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