none can replace you (shot 2)

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Days were passing but mahi couldn't give a satisfactory reason to annika. More than angry she was hurt as she thought the one who is doing this to her is shivaay. On the other hand, shivaay's condition was worse. It's been 3 days since annika has been missing. He forgot to take care of himself but searching and searching for her, in all the possible ways. At first, he thought annika and mahi might have gone out randomly but he sensed the danger when Mahi's phone went unreadable.


Mahi slowly stepped inside the kitchen while annika was busy preparing breakfast.

M: Annika I want to talk to you

Mahi told ever so calmly to which she gave deaf ears

He moved close to her and tried to look at her face. She didn't even let him get a proper glimpse of her face. He held her elbow when she tried to move away. As soon as their skin came in contact, she felt numb, her heart skipped a beat out of fear. Where is the affection and warmth of shivaay's touch? She feared but didn't speak out rather she looked at mahi quickly

M: Annika, I need to talk

Mahi spoke once again as she remained numb

A: huh?...

Coming out of the world of thoughts, she sounded

M: I need to tell you something

Stretching the words he said, looking into her eyes

A: hah.. Hm..m..

She responded only after pulling her hand out of his grip.

'Come' mahi muttered before heading out of the kitchen. She stood there still being lost in thoughts rather than following him

A: No No No don't overthink Annika

Shaking her head, she hits on her forehead to bring herself out of the zone. She rushed outside when heard her being called


M: me and bade papa had a business conflict. He was feeling envious of me as I did better than his sons. He told me that he doesn't want me to work for Oberoi empire anymore and I am the reason for his sons being not interested in business. He even expelled me from the family saying that he doesn't want his sons to go against his words because of me. he has a second role only in the family since I am there, this is what he thinks.

Annika was extremely confused. Her shivaay was not such a person who make this small thing a big issue. Moreover, how could he address omru as bade papa's sons. Where is his love for his siblings? She wondered. Where is the shivaay who always tries to mend the family rather than letting it break apart. Here, did he himself let the family break apart?

A: but.. Why are we not in contact with family. They did nothing, right?

M: he insisted to not. I want to obey

With a fake sad face, he threw another lie

A: but mom and dad....

She trailed off

M: I called them to come with us but they chose to stay there. They wanted that luxury life more than his son

Annika was numb, not able to grasp anything. She didn't know when mahi came close to her and took her in a hug.

M: sorry for not telling you before. I didn't want to give you unwanted tension..

He told. Fear gripped her heart. Her body was frozen. He was not her shivaay. She slightly pushed him away from her and took a step backward to maintain distance between them.

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