is it love? (2)

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jiya070 Amandannnbvggfdfvbhuvotes are too less in previous chapter. But these two people encouraged me to update


Annika rushed towards shivaay's room as soon as entered in Oberoi mansion. Her eyeballs moved to the couch. She couldn't find what she needed. Yes her diary was missing.
'Ok. I will call you' she heard shivaay's voice who was talking to someone on the phone while coming to the room. Shivaay might have taken it Annika thought and decided to ask him.

A: did you see my diary?

S: what diary?
He shrugged his shoulder and looked back at the phone to scroll something

A: is there any other meaning for the diary? It's a stuff which we can use to write something using a pen. I hope you know the meaning of pen

S: nice joke. Hahaha
He rolled his eyes in disbelief

A: MR. Will you care to tell me. Did you see my diary?
She asked a little louder

S: why you get angry on me? If your diary is missing, what I did? Look for it and find it.

A: I left it here, on this couch. Then where did it go now? You might have seen it

S: I didn't

A: if so. Where it went. Do it has wings to fly?

S: maybe. You are weird already. So your things must be weird

A: I don't have much time to talk with you. I have a lot of work in pending

S: ooh. That means you like to do work more than talking with me

A: of course yes. Any doubt

S: no doubts about your lies

A: what you mean
A frown formed on her forehead

S: don't waste your precious time. Go and do the work

Unwillingly annika went from there. She sat in the hall and tried to recall her memory again. There was nothing visible except what she remembered the previous day.
A: he would have given it to me if he has gotten it. Why he should lie?

A pair of blue eyes watched her with a smirk. Annika enquired about her diary to priyanka and told her to take it and keep it safe if she found it anywhere in the Oberoi mansion. She went to shivaay's room at night also. She searched for it in every inch of the room. But she didn't get it. That made her more tensed. She had one and only prayer, not to get that diary to shivaay.


Days passed. But there is no glimpse of her dear sharmila. She didn't forget to search for it each day. She never got a doubt on shivaay also. That much good was his acting. Like I know nothing. How innocent. Shitia's wedding day neared. Only 3 days left. Annika had more workload today. It was already 11 at Night. she was about to step out of the Oberoi mansion. But dadi stopped her who genuinely cares for her.

D: don't go alone puttar. Billu will drop you

She said to annika and called shivaay who was doing something on the phone while sitting on the couch in the hall.

A: no dadi. It's ok. I will go on my champa (she bits her tongue). I mean my scooty

D: no. It's already too late puttar. Leave your scooty here. You can take it tomorrow. Now go with billu.

She was about to protest again. But suddenly her phone beeped with a message gaining her attention. 'Message from SSO' appeared on the screen. Shivaay is just standing beside her still focusing on his phone. What he might have sent now. She opened the message with a frown. Soon, her eyes popped out of the socket.
'Didn't you lose the interest to drive your champa?. You love to come with me na. So come yaar. You will get a chance to talk or fight with me also '. She gulped her saliva and looked at him from the corner of her eyes. That pagadbilla was scrolling on the phone like he knows nothing. He got the diary. He read it. Her mind screamed in nervousness. Phail gaya raita annika. She muttered herself and nodded to dadi. She decided to go with him. If he questioned her directly in front of dadi when she rejects again. That's what she feared.

Both got into the car. Silence and nervousness engulfed our kidkithod annika. While shivaay was smirking at her state. He noticed her fidgeting finger. Both didn't utter a word until the car stops in front of her house. Annika wanted to ask for her diary. But words didn't come out. She sat in the car for 2 more minutes, waiting for the words to utter. But everything died due to nervousness. It was the first time that she experiencing this much nervousness. Today she realised one thing, this kidkithod annika can lose the courage to face some situation. She got to know, 'can't say a word now'.She turned to open the door. She felt a tug on her wrist. His touch made her breath uneven. She looked back. Shivaay forwards the diary. She held it without any reaction and turned again to get down from the car. But again his grip stopped her.

S: is it love?
He asked.
It was unexpected. She doesn't know what to answer.

She managed to say while wriggling in his grip. He left her hand as soon as realised her state. Even, drops of sweat have formed on her forehead and neck. He didn't want to make her more nervous. He just asked, what he wanted to know.

S: I feel the same like you do. Is it love annika? What you think

A: i..don't know
She said avoiding the eye contact while he trying to look straight into her eyes. Facing him was impossible for her

His next move shocked her to the core. Her eyes widened when he placed a kiss on her cheek. 'But one thing I know ' he said letting his hot breath fall on her cheek which was already covered with a red hue. 'I love you' he whispered in her ear. She panted heavily and rushed out without wasting a second. Whilst our naughty boy was watching her retracting figure with a grin. He does know she loves him. His effect on her made it more clear to him. But he wants to hear it from her mouth.


Annika is toss and turns on the bed. She blushed thinking about the kiss. She is not nervous anymore. Why should she? When he loves her. If he doesn't have any feelings like her. She might have been nervous and embarrassed. Now there is nothing to take the stress. She covered her face with palms when the blush crossed the limit. Today the sleepy head doesn't feel to sleep. Thanks to God. Sahil is asleep otherwise he would witness her madness. Suddenly, her phone beeped with a message. She grabbed the phone from the nearby table. 'Message from SSO' appeared on the screen. Her heart thumped. She closed her eyes and composed herself before opening the message. Indeed, she will talk to him now. There is no matter of facing and eye locks. He can't see her expressions also.

S~ heey... Annika answer me. Is it love?

A~ what are you trying to do shivaay? Your marriage is gonna take place within days

S~ so?

A~ you behave like you don't care about all those. It's your marriage man. Take it seriously

S~ I don't love tia. I was exploring my heart past few days since I got your diary. I realised what is right for me or what is not. And whom I love. Our marriage is a deal annika there is no love.

A~ naam,khoon,kandan doesn't matter to you?

S~ no. Only you matter to me.

(A wide smile appeared on annika's lips when read this message )

A~ hmm

S~ now tell me don't you love me?

A~ but your marriage?

S~ I will manage everything.

A~ I want time

S~ aren't 3 more days enough to say a 'yes or no'?

A~ hmm

S~ ok

A~ good night

S~ Good night


Precap- annika confesses her love



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