is it love ? (1)

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Requested by my sweet sis @Amandannnbvggfdfvbhu
Plot:- shivika dating while shitia marriage track

Dear sharmila, I know, I use you only to note something that I cannot remember for so long. But now I am gonna pen here something. Something means, about a strange thing. Even I don't know what is it. But I want to open up everything to anyone. But no one should know this. So I chose you. Haven't I drown a picture of a man when he said please to me. Today I want to say a lot about him. Like I named you sharmila, I named him in my own way. Because I am kidkithod na. So everything should be unique for me. Sometimes I call him billuji.. Sometimes pagadbilla or stone Singh Oberoi, like this list goes on. Are you interested to know his real name? Then here you go... It is shivaay. Yeah. I admit he is rude, arrogant. but I like the way he loves his family, the way he takes care of them. He becomes the sweetest person when being with family. He will go to any extent for them. His brothers are his breath. Now I badly yearn for a family. When witnessed the love of that Oberoi family, I realised my life is not beautiful or enjoyable. And the thing that I fear in him, is his anger. I have witnessed his anger many times. As far I know, I think his anger is the most dangerous thing. Yes, I stand on my own feet when he burst out his anger on me. But do you know? It shivers me from inside.Except for darkness, Nothing could fear me as his anger-filled kanji ankhein fears me. But when it is calm I can't take my eyes off it. I always try to find out its colour. I don't know what happens with this kidkithod annika. Until he entered into my life, it was a boring thing. Just work and sundari bua's taunts. I thank that moment, the day when we met from a temple and had a battle, The moment When I decided to break his windshield class with his ego which made us hate each other. Because of that day, we fight whenever we met or whatever we spoke. Normal talks are rare. But I like it, even if it is a fight. My mind is satisfied if I could share a talk with him. But something suffocates me, when he ignores me when he doesn't talk with me. I want to hear his voice although it's through a fight. I want to hear my name from his mouth. He should speak with me, that's what I need. Because... Because...sorry I don't know why I yearn so much attention from him. I just don't know. I like to be around him as much as I can. I feel something strange for him. My heart beats faster when he looks at me with a smile. I smile back being nervous. Something wrong right? But what is it? Do you know? Heey I am a fool how you can aware of it when I am just letting you know everything now. Ok leave it, let me explain more. Nowadays, he used to drop me after work, at dadi's instruction. I try to protest. But the matter of fact is I enjoy that moment. Because we get time to talk or to fight. Actually, now I love to come with him. I lose interest to drive my champa (sheepish smile). I am still clueless about that drop of tear. Why that drop fell from my eyes when knew about his marriage. Is it hurting me? I admit I like to spend time with him, I like to talk with him. But what about those tears? What meaning I can take out? Why it hurts when think that I have to leave the Oberoi mansion soon. Unknowingly my heart broke into million peaces when he put that ring on tia's finger. Yes. In corner of my heart, I had an expectation that he is gonna propose to me. If happened like that, would my answer be 'yes'?. I DON'T KNOW. It is the main problem. I know nothing. I feel something for that tadibaaz pagadbilla. Something weird. I don't know what to call. After his marriage, I have to go back to my old boring life, I can't fight with him, I won't have a reason to talk with him, I can't admire his kanji ankheein, I will lose a lot of things in my life. I will lose little glimpse of my happiness. Is my happiness depends on him? Maybe yes. Otherwise how these thoughts can hurt me this much, how it can make me cry at the end of the day. Nowadays, every night a drop of tear falls from my eyes when I close them to catch a peaceful sleep. I say remarkably 'it happens unknowingly '.It hurts me immensely. This thought has the ability to break my heart. I feel a little relieved after opened up everything to you. I know you can't solve my problem. But it's ok. No one can help me except God. He won't do it also. I can't write the cruelty of God towards me. Because I am already crying. I don't want to cry more as my eyes are painting now. By sharmila. Thanks for hearing me

Shivaay closed the book with a thud. He couldn't understand what he just read. But one thing is sure for him 'she feels the same like he feels for her'. Like her, he is also answerless if someone questioned him about that. Because he doesn't know what to call those feelings. Unknowingly his lips formed a small smile. He knows reading someone's personal things without their knowledge is not good. He was about to do like that when he found her diary on his couch. But it fell down when he took it. He bent down to take it back. A page was opened and his eyes caught the word 'billuji'. That's too among a huge paragraph. What did she write him? His mind questioned him. He became eager to find an answer. He couldn't resist reading it further. That happened a while ago

Same time in annika's house

Annika entered the room after cooling her sweated body with a quick shower. Sahil was doing his homework sitting in bed. Annika should cook the dinner now. Before that, she has some work pending. She wants to calculate today's purchase cost. Only one week left for the great shivaay Singh Oberoi's wedding. Everything should be perfect. She doesn't like to make any mistakes in her work. Even unintentionally. She thought to clear the calculation before enters into the kitchen. She sat on a chair before the table and grabbed her handbag to pull out the diary where she wrote all the transitions. Her frisked hand couldn't feel the touch of a book. Her heart beats faster. She frisks Hurriedly. She looked into the bag, but nothing could find. Oh God, where I left the diary. Every data is in it. She began to fear and started to recall her memory with a frown
' I was collecting some details of catering from shivaay. Then it was with me and after he left, I received a call from sahil when I was still engrossed in writing. I left the diary on the couch and came out to attend the call. Oh, God.. I forgot to take it back. Shivaay might have seen it. Don't worry annika. He won't eat it. You can get it tomorrow'. She relieved a sigh of relief. She thanked for not left behind it any other place and for she could remember it clearly. But that thank vanished as soon as reality struck in her mind. She remembered about the note which she wrote before 2 days. It should not have been left there. Annika how you will sleep peacefully now. If he opened it and read. She messed her hairs in irritation. What have you done Annika? hope he won't read it. But if he read. Her whole body shivered at this thought. Sweat formed on her forehead being nervous.


A: sahil...come and have dinner
Annika exclaimed to sahil who was watching his favourite cartoon, sitting in the room

Sahil came to the hall and sat beside Annika who was serving the food. He took a morsel. He spits it out as soon as his tongue sensed the taste.

A: what happened sahil. Why are you making weird faces? Why did you spit it out?
Annika asked with a frown

S: di. You burnt the chapati. Curry is too much salty also
He didn't hesitate to open up. He always bears her tasteless foods. But today he couldn't bear it. That much tasteless was that dinner.

But no one can blame annika also. Admit, She is not good at cooking. But today, we should blame annika's mind who was filled with negative thoughts without allowing her to concentrate on cooking, who forgot that once she had added the salt in curry.

Annika prepared magi for Sahil while she ate all chapatis. She had to eat it. Because only she knew how much she hardworking to lead the miserable life forward, to eat food on time. Only she knew the worth of her sweat.
That night was sleepless for her. Sleep was far away from her eyes. She wished to rise the sun at the next second so that she can run to the Oberoi mansion and take her diary before anything could happen wrong. But God has written something else for her, no one can change it


Precap:- shivaay pretends like he didn't see her diary
Amandannnbvggfdfvbhu hope you like it 😿

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