Chapter 22 : Sinker

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West of St. Petersburg laid the abandoned complex of the Red Triangle Factory, built in the nineteenth century, now over ten acres of wasteland.

Morris stood where they wanted, a broken road between two buildings, trapping him in a narrow spot. Any one of the windows above was a threat to him, but like always, he casually smoking his cigarette, enjoying the moment of quietness before the storm.

By time he finished his fifth cigarette, vehicles showed up from front and behind, blocking both sides of the street. A man in light blue suit stepped out, his hair long to his shoulders.

"Took you long enough. This thing is about to give me cancer." Morris said, wasn't amused seeing him again.

"The Talon, quite a jumpy man I see." smiled the long hair man, behind him stood four armed guards.

"That hair got me carried away. I can introduce you to my barber." Morris dropped the cigarette and distinguished it under his shoe.

"Where's the girl?"

"Where's my money?" Morris asked back.

"You know we have the whole place surrounded."

"You know you can spend a week searching this place, and I'm telling you she only has twenty more minutes of air." Morris looked at his watch.

His response raised a whole team of guns on him, but he only shrugged.

"It's your lost, not mine. I don't take shit from a group named after a comic book character." (PocoMaxa translated into Wolverine in Russian)

"It's not from the comic book! It's named after the native beast of Mother Russian!" the long hair man sound offended, apparently not the first time having to clarify.

"If you don't mind, I have a train to catch." Morris said tapping his watch.

Humiliated, the long hair man waved to his guards, one brought out a case and opened, inside was filled with Euros.

"She's right under your feet." Morris kicked out a shovel from his feet.

The long hair man stunned, took a step back and looked down at the pile of earth that was recently disturbed.

"You're crazy!"

"I have to buy myself time to get out." Morris smirked. "Now if you don't mind, I'll take that money."

"Not so fast!" the case snapped close, guards with guns had Morris surrounded. "You think I'm a fool? You buried her, you dig her up, and she better be alive!"

"Blame yourself for being late. And I have to tell you. I'm a slow digger, bad back you know."

Morris painfully reached down to pick up the shovel, slowly digging up the yellow dirt.

"Faster!" the long hair man grew impatient, pointing his gun at him. "You have five minutes!"

"Don't ask for the impossible. Wolverine!"

He removed the earth layer after layer, until the shovel struck something hard. Everyone gathered around for a first look, like curious children discovering a treasure chest. Morris waited until they were in range, gave one hard struck into the earth, breaking the thin wood underneath, setting off the pressure sensor.

Within a twenty foot radius, a ring of explosions blasted from the ground, sending everyone flying but Morris. He raised the shovel and swung it to the long hair man, the flat blade struck a gong-like sound off his face.

Simultaneously, bodies began falling out from above. Slava armed with a SV Dragunov, shot down snipers hidden in the opposite building. Across the street and higher up, JoJo fired her SR-1, its extremely low recoil allowing even a nine year old girl to fire steady rounds, creating chaos at the ground level.

Morris pulled the long hair man to his feet, using him as a human shield, while gunning down survivors from the blast. Finally, he pinned the man back on the ground, fired two shots to disable his arms.

"Where is the General?" he pinned the barrel to his left knee.

"Fuck You!" the man cursed through his bleeding teeth.

"Wrong answer!" Morris sent a bullet to his left knee, now pressing to his right. "Do you know WHY they called me the Talon? Talons don't kill you, but it'll scar you so bad you'll wish you died!"

"You don't scare me!" the man spat a mouthful of blood at him.

BOOM! Morris shot his right knee, now jabbing the barrel to his groin.

"Next shot goes to your balls. I will take it out one at a time. I've handled scums like you. I can pump a hundred rounds into you before killing you! THAT is why they called me the Talent!"

"NO! WAIT!!" the long hair man finally broke.

"Wrong answer again!" Morris pushed the gun harder.

"The Light House! He's at the Light House!"

"WHICH Light House??"

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