Chapter 15 : Infiltration

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Morris had two hours of sleep, which was enough to keep him running for the next twenty-four hours. They switched seats before entering St. Petersburg, where there are more police patrolling the road.

They pulled over to a payphone, Morris instructed JoJo to stay as he took out the number that Polar gave him.

"Park Inn, Radisson Pribaltiyskaya. How may I help you?" a female operator answered.

He hung up immediately. He returned to the car and JoJo was anxious for the result.

"It says Park Inn, Radisson Pribaltiyskaya." seeing the girl puzzled, he continued. "It is also the Congress Centre. Let's hope your father is there!"

They reached the Centre but the place was sealed up, apparently there were some important conferences going on. Morris parked the car few blocks away, taking JoJo by foot. The little girl was looking around like all this was new to her.

"You've never been here before?"

"No!" JoJo answered excitingly. "Can we go visit the Summer Palace?"

"Right after we find your father, so we can get free admission!"

Morris took her through a service entrance, where hundreds of staffs from multiple departments too busy minding their own businesses, and no time to pay attention to a strange face, all but one.

"Stop!" a young boy in military uniform demanded. "Show me your passes."

Morris looked at the young soldier, who still has pimples on his face. His shoulder boards crisped and clean, displaying a double star and a thin red strip, probably just got promoted and wanting to exercise his rank.

JoJo panicked, never had she met such demand, but before she could respond, Morris poked the soldier on the chest.

"Passes? How dare you? Don't you recognize who this is?" he pointed at the little girl.

"I don't care! No passes. No entry. This place is for officials only!" the young soldier insisted.

"You don't care?" Morris spoke inches to his face. "How about I tell Army General Siwanov that you don't care about his daughter? Lieutenant!"

The young soldier gulped, turning his eyes to the little girl.

"The Army General's daughter got lost outside, and I was sent to bring her back. JoJo, show this prick your I.D.!"

Puzzling, JoJo took out the only identification she carried - her student card. Morris snatched it from her and pushed the family photo to the boy's face.

"I.D. this! What is your name and service number?"

The soldier began to sweat, staring at the picture of the Army General, as if realizing he has just insulted God himself.

"WHAT is your NAME and SERVICE NUMBER! SOLDIER!!" Morris raised his voice, taking out a pen and paper from his pocket.

"Please!" the young soldier moved aside. "I'm so sorry for the interruption. Please be on your way sir!"

"Where is he now, the General?" Morris demanded.

"The... the conference is on the third floor..." the soldier stuttered.

"Now scram!"

The young soldier ran away like he has just seen a ghost. JoJo looked at Morris strangely.

"Remember, your name is power. Learn to use it!" Morris gave her a wink.

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