Chapter 7 : Rogue

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He pulled into a gas station, parked behind a convenience store.

"Come on. We need to ditch this car!"

JoJo followed the man out of the car. She knew she could just run away and find a taxi home, or to the first policeman she sees. But he did ask for my home address. Why else if not taking me home? Right?

They passed an alley and came out to a parking lot. She watched the big man took a soft strip of metal out of his coat, slipped it into a car window.

"What are you doing?"

"What? Never seen people carjacking before?"

JoJo shook her head.

Watching the man work, JoJo was able to take a moment to study him. The big man has dark messy hair and so were his beard, he looked like he hasn't wash in days, but at least he freed her from her restrain. After a nightmarish blindness in a hood and handcuffs, she felt a little gratitude.

The lock popped, Morris opened the door and let the girl into the passenger seat, then reached under the steering wheel and pulled out a bunch of wires.

"What are you doing now?"

"It's call hot-wiring. I'm overriding the key switch and trying to start the car."

JoJo watched the man touched wires in different combinations, until a spark kicked the engine to life, he twisted the wires together and took the wheel.

"Where did you learn that?" JoJo's eyes widened.

"What? They don't teach you that in school?" Morris gave her a smirk, pulling into gear and drove.

They left the gas station, only to stop by the next gas station minutes away.

"Why are we stopping again?"

"Any sensible car thief would take this thing as far away as possible, so would the police think."

"What does that make you?" the little girl gave a judgmental look.

"Someone unsensible!"

"Don't you mean irrational?"

Seeing the big man got out the car, JoJo quickly asked.

"Where are you going?"

"It's a two hour drive. I'm gonna get us something to eat."

"Please don't leave me!" the little girl panicked.

"I won't. I promise!" he gave her a smile, took out a tactical knife from his pocket.

He showed her how to unfold the knife with one hand, how to hold it safely, how and where to stab, at spots effective but non-lethal. He didn't want to be responsible for the first kill of a nine year old.

"Show it only when you're sure you can reach them, use the element of surprise. You only get one chance." the little girl nodded quietly.

He went into a convenience store and picked up things he need for the road, came out and called Spencer.

"I need to contact the girl's father."

"Morris, where are you now?"

"I need his number." Morris asked again.

"Morris, this is NOT the task. You need to deliver the package to our client!"

"I'm not getting a little girl out from one kidnapper so I can send her to another!"

"Morris. Do you realize that you are going against policy." it was more a warning than a reminder.

"I've delivered bio weapons and nuclear warheads, but I don't send little girls to a pack of wolves!"

"You know what this would mean, Morris."

"Do what you need to do."

Hanging up the phone, Spencer took a long moment of thought, weighing the pros and cons in his head, picked up the phone again and dialed another number.

"I think we just have a rogue agent."

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