Chapter 10 : Contact

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Morris walked two blocks in the rain, round the back of a storage building and knocked on a metal door. A narrow window slide open, a pair of eyes staring at him.

"Boxing Ring." Morris said in Russian.

The heavy door opened and revealing the giant bouncer standing behind. Morris barely looked at him, took a flight down and through another door, opened to the floor of a casino. He reached the end where a wooden door was guarded. Two serious men built like wrestlers, blocking the door with their mass.

"Really?" Morris questioned the men bigger than him. "Haven't your colleagues recovered yet?"

Being reminded that he sent their friends to the hospital, not long ago at this very spot, the guards moved aside and let him in. Beyond the wooden door, Ivankov was sitting on his boss's chair, surrounded by his boss's women.

"Nicholai. I see you're sitting comfortably?"

"Morris! My Man!!" Ivankov opened his arms to him.

"Save it." Morris stood. "And ditch the girls."

Reluctantly, the short man sent the girls away, leaving the room all to the two.

Nicholai was a small man in late thirties, who waxed his hair back to cover his boldness. He wore a leather trimmed suit and red shirt, with collar wide open to show off the gang leader's seal, a gold medallion hung by a thick gold chain. His eyes narrow and deep, his nose hooked and pointy, like the face of a rat.

"To what pleasure brings you here, my friend?" the rat walked up to his wine cabinet and poured out a glass, offering it to his visitor.

"I need to know the whereabouts of a military individual, someone high up."

"I thought that's your specialty."

"Someone I need to speak to, alone."

"And what do I get?"

"Do you like that chair?" Morris nodded at the king's throne. "You get to keep it."

"I earned that chair."

"Don't forget who put you up there." Morris walked up and stared down the little man. "And I can take it all away just like that!"

He snapped a finger an inch from the little man's eye. Nicholai gulped.

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