Chapter 20 : Hook

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Using Slava's login account, Morris regained access from the Orion database.

"You're not going to find the Client here. The Office keeps them in a separate folder."

Being the middleman, Orion cuts off direct contacts between clients and agents. It is a way to keep track of every task, and to keep agents from being recruited away.

"We can't find the client records, but we can find the phone numbers. We just have to look into the right place."

Morris entered the Administration page, where agents can check their phone expenses.

"But how're you gonna find Spencer's phone records?"

"Admin only allows you to check on your own record, but there's a flaw."

Morris went on explaining that the department's payment to the phone company wasn't confidential. He hit a few keys, the screen revealed a long list of numbers and cost.

"I didn't know we use an Indian phone company." Slava read the company info.

"Why do you think the operators sound funny?" Morris opened a page, displaying an endless running list.

"These are raw data. It's like a needle in a haystack!"

"Now we narrow down to caller and dates."

Morris focused on calls made from Spencer's office, narrowed down to three days before he received his task, leaving a hundred or so phone numbers, a quarter of them to Moscow. Among them, Morris picked out calls to the Moscow Office, NSA, Interpol and his own number.

"He has been busy." Slava observed.

"Yeah, calling for my arrest!" Morris grunted, staring at the last nine numbers. "Now comes the hard part. I need to borrow your phone."

"What's wrong with yours?"

"I ditched it. You're not on the list, no one is watching you."

"Does anyone else know this flaw?" Slava handed him her phone.

"Now you do."

Making first contact are always the hardest. One must handle information with extreme caution, one wrong word may blow the entire operation. Slava watched the man calling one number after another, observed as the old spy greet, leak, lurk and bluff on the phone.

When she took on the task going after Morris, she has been warned that she was going up against the Talon of the Cold, a crafty old agent who has created the most skillful spies in spy history. Now she understood why no one has taken the task, going against him would be like going against the teacher's teacher.

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