Chapter 8 : Blockade

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"What is this?" JoJo chewing the food in her hands.

"It's kebab, it's Turkish." Morris chewing his own, while keeping a hand on the wheel. "They don't have anything else."

"It's delicious!" the girl took big chunks, she hasn't eaten anything since she was held captive.

Watching the little girl munching happily, Morris felt a moment of settle inside. She reminded him of someone in the past, something that haunted him, driven him to do what felt was right.

By time he reached Tamanskaya Street he stopped. Ahead of them was the same car he saw at the drop point, it was parked sideway, blocking their path like a barricade. He shifted into reverse, but a big pickup truck pulled out from behind, blocking his way out.

"Shit!" Morris cursed.

People began stepping out of the car and truck, his phone rang and he answered. It was Spencer.

"What's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Morris. I have to put you on rogue."

"You WHAT??"

"You disobeyed a direct order."

"You got to be kidding me!"

Everyone stood by their cars, displaying guns in their hands, not a little disturbed by the summer rain.

"Believe me, I don't want to do this."

"I'm a block away from her house!"

"It doesn't matter! The Client is the recipient."

"They might kill her!"

"That is neither the Office nor your concern, Morris. Our service is to deliver the package to whoever our clients are."

"You son of a bitch!"

"If you hand her over now, the deal is still up, and you'll still get all your credits." Spencer added. "I'm only a phone call away with these people."

It could go so easy. Morris thought, to deliver a total stranger to a group of strangers, like he did a hundred times before. Then he gets his credits and move on with his life. Like the kind of shitty life I'm living right now?


"Then there's nothing I can do." Spencer said regretfully. "Good luck, and call me when it is over."

"Shit!" Morris cursed again, put away the phone and checked his sidearm, regretting not bringing more fire power to a task.

"What's wrong?" JoJo asked.

"Fasten your seatbelt and hold on tight, keep your head down and cover your head. This is going be a rough ride!"

Men began to cocking their guns and stepping forward, as if they just heard his phone conversation. Morris could already pictured Spencer giving the order: Okay, he's all yours now!

Morris counted the men approaching from both ends. From the front, three men were holding semi automatics, their driver stayed behind, ready for a quick getaway. Behind him, from the pickup truck came five men, but there could be room for more.

He shifted into gear, waited for everyone to be within proximity, stomped on brake and accelerator at the same time, throwing the car into an aggressive spin.

On the wet road, the heavy vehicle swung a mad killer whale, knocking down bodies with its giant mass, others backed away and started shooting. Morris ran down as many men as he could, then plunged his car into the parked vehicle, the heavy momentum knocked the car aside, broke out a path for him to head forward.

Morris ran the car down the road in full speed, looking for an entrance. It was a two-lane road, with brick walls fencing up high value properties.

"JoJo! We're almost there!"

But his optimism came short as he saw two sets of headlights blinding his vision. Two vans parking parallel, was blocking the entire road, with dark shadows popping muzzle flashes, punching more holes at the windscreen, turning the safety glass into a rich spider web.


Morris braked and threw the car to a U-turn, he checked on JoJo, the girl had her face to her laps, protecting her head under both hands. "Hold on, JoJo! This is going to get ugly!"

Coming back to the first blockade, Morris drove passed the parked car, ran a gunman under his wheels, causing the whole vehicle to bounce up. Taking the opportunity he jerked his car hard left, turning so sharp it lifted the left wheels off the ground.

Men around the blockade stunned seeing the car travelling at a forty-five degree angle, running almost vertical through the narrow gap between the pickup truck and the brick fence.

JoJo cried as the car shook violently, like the world was closing in to crush her. The left wheels in the air were now running against the brick fence, dragging the car through the narrow gap. They came through with metal screeches and sparks, landed heavily back on four wheels, and disappeared into the rainy night.

People at the barricade ordered men to pursue, but the pickup truck was blocking the road. By time the driver steered it into direction, their target has long gone.

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