Author's Note

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This is a prequel to the DANCE MOMS BODYGUARD series. It tells the story of how JoJo and Morris began.

It was meant to be the introduction of JoJo for Book#2 DANGER ZONE, but as her character developed, I felt it may distract readers from the main story, so I wrote it separately, working alongside the series.

I have been asked why I portrayed JoJo Russian, the answer is that I needed someone who is within the age group, but with power and resources to support the main characters from time to time.

Such character may not be convincing as an American, for the local culture and policy makes it impossible. Russia has a long history of espionage, and it would be more interesting having a character from an opposite power.

I would like to take this opportunity to recommend readers to reach out and touch the world around us, because like JoJo Siwanova, everyone can be a friend, even when the leaders are rivalries.

I hope you'll like the new franchise, and thank you again for reading my work!

Yours truly, Thomas Chan / T. P. Channing

DanceMoms Bodyguard : JoJo and Talon

by T. P. Channing

Dance Moms Bodyguard (8) JoJo and Talonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें