Chapter 25: Just... Go!

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I am so comfortable I don't want to open my eyes. I snuggle in more and hear a low hum. Weird. I open my eyes and see I'm cuddling Jesse. I lift my head and look around the room for Kylie and see no signs of her. I'm just about to ask her if she's in the kitchen getting food when I hear.

"Guys... Parker.....GUYS'' Why is she shouting it at us? And why does she sound a little uneasy? Jesse jumps up beside me at the abruptness. And looks around and not spotting her links back

"Love, where are you?"

"Angel, what's wrong?" I ask her

"I needed to get rid of some energy, so I decided to go for a run. I bumped Into a middle aged man and got covered in flour. He was headed to the bakery or something. Anyway Luna's freaking out and.. told.. she.. me.. call.. now.. wrong-" no one would be going to the bakery at this time and with flour! That's all there. Something doesn't seem right and when she starts talking incoherently. We both jump up and start putting clothes on now panicking.

"Why the fuck did you go by yourself! Where are you?" Jesse snaps at her

"Angel. Where are you?" I hurry to ask wanting to know where she going so I can get to her quickly

"I.. sofa.. doon.. mee.." she's not making any sense. I rush to the bedroom door and trip over my own feet and go crashing through the door. Me and Jesse shout through the link

"You're scaring me. Where the FUCK are you Kylie!" She doesn't say anything for a moment and Parker comes rushing out of his room too. He looks at Jesse first, then me on the floor still. He's about to say something, but winces, grabbing the back of his head. Then we hear one word that makes sense.


"Kylie. Talk to me..... KYLIE." I shout but I get no reply. Jesse gives me his hand to help me up off the floor. And as soon as I'm up I teleport to the tree. I'm not as strong as Kylie so only Jesse is teleported with me. She managed it with 5 of us. We looked around but saw no trace of her, I did notice that one section of the tree was folded in on itself. I go and find that it looks like it's been hacked at. It's like Its cradling an injury like we would an injured arm.

"Where the fuck is she Rush? When we find her I'm putting a fucking tracking device on her. She had already been attacked on the territory, what was she thinking of going out alone?" He lashes out as we can't find her.

"She was probably thinking that all the ones that had attacked her were in prison so she was safe. She should be able to go out alone. We knew she wanted to get out, we should have just gotten up when she wanted to. Now be quiet so I can concentrate." I tell him calmly. If I panic I could miss something. I send my magic out in hopes of catching an aura of some sort. I find one but don't recognise it. It's definitely a witch though as they must have teleported with her. Because I can't track it.

"Fuck!... think! Who would take her. It's definitely a witch but I don't know who. I don't recognise their aura."

"Nadine and her father are definitely in pr-"

"I'll double check but yes. There in prison."

"And what about his mate? Her mother? How did she take all of this? Or did that high priest what's his name... Evan? Tell or work with someone else to get her? It could be whoever was behind the dragons on the train when we were coming here! There's too many to name. How do we-"

"Alright. I get it. We start with Elizabeth as she's the easiest to eliminate. And go from there. I can work up a spell or something to find out Evans whereabouts over the last few days. See who he spoke to or saw..... Jesse..... JESSE!" I have to shout to get his attention.

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