Chapter 8: No Fucking Way!

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Me and the girls get the link done so Katy can officially hear me and head back. Katy doesn't seem to mind my crazy driving though Tiff still squeals and closes her eyes, making me laugh. Katy asks to be dropped at her mums and invites us in for a quick drink before me and Tiffany have to go get ready.

"I'm so jealous I can't come with you both. I asked my brother, but one of you has to bring me some of the cake back. My mum makes some and there to die for!

"I'll try but I may be busy with my mate, if he doesn't reject me" Tiffany blushes

"I'll castrate him if he does! But he won't. I'll bring you some back as I will be coming back before the others!" I tell them

"Sweet. What's your poison then? I have wine, whisky, beer....?"

"Actually I need to pop to see my mum and dad quickly, we're already so late too. I'll meet you back at Rush's ok?" Tiff says. I nod and she leaves.

"I'll take a whisky, as it's quick. She's right we're already so late!" I say. She pours some into 2 glasses and hands one to me.

"To us!"
"To new friends"

I tip it back and it's warm burn works its way down my throat. Delicious.

"Right I best go"

"Can I bring your car? It will be late when I leave here, so quicker. And the house is not far from here. Its OK to say no though"
She asks hopefully

"Sure. It's still so bloody early, I don't want you walking back in the dark. Just tell me where to go from here" She explains to me how to get to her brothers on foot and I make my way. It's quite nice out today, the sun is shining, birds are singing. There's a few people about but I guess most are either getting ready to go do their orbs or are busy with other stuff.

I go round the corner, Katy told me to take and if it's the right one I should be able to see his house up on an incline secluded with a large beautiful garden and the gravel driveway leading up to the house. I wonder what I smashed with the gravel when I peeled out of the drive this morning! I'll have to find it so I can get Jesse to replace it.

I'm half way now and just about to pass a forest path to the left of me when that bitxh from Rush's house comes out of there with 6 other girls. I veer to the right to give the. A wide berth but she spots me and gets in my way.

"Look who it is! The little slut. Where do you think your going?" She sneers at me. I just shake my head and try to walk through them but she shoves me back. Gritting my teeth I glare at her. Seven against one isn't exactly great odds but I'm not scared of them.

"I asked you a question! I told you to stay away from Rush! He's mine" that really pisses me off that she keeps claiming he's hers. I know what she did. And is she dumb or so Rush obsessed she forgot that Jesse is my mate?

"Fucking answer me!" She screams. Oh she has no idea how much I wish I could. I'd fucking tell her exactly who Rush belongs too, because it sure as hell isn't her. He's mine!

Fuck! Why do I keep having these thoughts about another man. I love Jesse, i'm going to have to talk to him about this because my thoughts are starting to get out of hand, he's not mine. I need to figure out what's happening. I try again to go around them but she looks around then gets in my face saying

"No One's here to save you this time bitch... what? Still nothing to say?.... I'm the queen around here and I demand you stay away from what's mine. All the Royals are off limits to scum like you.... Now will you leave the easy way or the hard way?...the hard way it is." When I don't answer she answers herself. She thinks I'm just someone that's fucking Jesse. She really is stupid. But I can't even correct her, and it's frustrating that she doesn't remember I'm mated to a Royal.

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