Chapter 13: I Am Sooooo Fucked!

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As we were walking back towards Parker and Tiffany a few people stopped us.

"There you are your highness. And is this your lovely mate?" A man asks Jesse, looking down at me. 

"Yes this is her. Kylie, John, Lyn and Evan here are some of the high priest's and priestesses of the Witches' covens. And this is my beautiful mate Kylie." He introduces 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness" Lyn says to me. It's totally weird hearing myself referred to as 'your highness'. I almost want to laugh at such a notion. I just smile.

"She has a speech problem at the moment but she's happy to meet you as well." He says as he taps his head. I guess so they know he can hear me? I just stand there and continue to smile. Hiding my annoyance that he went and told them that!

"Oh dear. Anything we can help with?" John ask

"That's very kind of you but it will resolve itself with time." Jesse answers

"Well we will let you introduce her to some of the others. It's very exciting this season as I hear king Rush has also found his mate. Congratulations on your mating." Evan says and he takes my hand and kisses it, startling me. He then looks at me and I see his pupils dilate and fill with want.

"Thank you Evan. Have a good evening" Jesse says. Evan squeezes my hand a little tighter as if he doesn't want to let go, so I have to snatch my hand away. Shaking it to get back the circulation. When we're further away I look over my shoulder to see him still staring at me. Ok that's creepy. I then turn towards Jesse and say

"Why tell them I have a speech problem? You could have gone with shyness or something. Now they're going to think something is wrong with me! And did you see the way Evan looked at me? He wouldn't let go of my hand"

"I'm sure you're just being paranoid, I didn't notice him do any of those things. And why should I lie? It's not your fault and nothing to be ashamed of! I love you and don't care what anyone else thinks! you're the strongest person I know. Come on let's find Parker and your friend." I don't like that he thinks I'm being paranoid, I know what I saw. But I don't say anything more as I don't think he will listen. And I love that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He loves me for me. Which is all I want.

Tiffany then comes up to us and taking my arm she says to Jesse 

"I'm going to steal her away from you, I hope that's OK. I want to spend the rest of the ball with her before the hunt begins" 

"Well I was going to introduce her to Rush and some of the others. But I guess that can wait. Have fun little mate. Come find me later OK. Once the hunt starts I have to keep an eye on everyone but we can shift while I do that, just come and meet me" He says and kisses me

"Yeah OK. I Love you." I tell him. Smiling back he says

"I Love you too, little mate" when he's out of sight she pulls me towards the patio doors saying

"I went to get a drink and saw Rush talking to Parker. I'll text him to let him know I'm not going back to him. But I thought it best I get to you before you get to them." She tells me

"You're a lifesaver. Thank you. Are we going to just sit and hide outside? I'm sorry I'm stealing your time with Parker away" I say to her, hating that I'm now burdening her with my problems.

"Yeah, it's going to be a nice warm evening and we can get drinks bought out to us! And it's fine, don't even worry about it. Do you feel better now you fucked your man!" She sniggers wagging her eyebrows

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