Chapter 9: I Haven't Been Obsessing!

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Luckily I didn't need to dress up for this bit, though some do. Tiff happily waited while I showered and dressed in a white spaghetti strap vest top and a plum purple skirt that comes to just below the knee, with a slit up the right leg. I then put in the white rope wedges that wrap around and halfway up my leg.

I bought an extendable cord necklace to put the tree pendant on. Luckily no more stones have come off. But I switch the cord and manage to tuck it into my cleavage as it's not the right colour for what I'm wearing. I leave my hair down to dry which hopefully won't take long and we hurry out the door. 

As we walk jm checking every fucking hidden path for that bitch Nadine which really annoys me. I shouldn't be looking over my shoulder but I know when I least expect it she will strike out at me. So I need to keep a close eye out for signs of her.

We reach the hall with about 20 mins before the blessing and then it ends and it will be time to have dinner and get ready for the ball at 6. I don't see Nadine anywhere but I do feel like I'm being watched. I just can't figure out who would be watching me. 

We walk into the hall, and it's mesmerising watching all the orbs dancing around above everyone. Some dance around as a pair. I'm guessing they are the ones that wanted to know. I rush and look over the balcony to take in everyone mingling and dancing, already tipsy. I spot Jesse talking to some people around a table.

"Hey handsome, d'you come here often?" I lean my elbow on the banister and have my chin in my hand. He really does look handsome. He turns and looks up with a smile. 

"Hello my love. You look beautiful. I'm sorry I'm going to be busy. Let me know when your friend finds her mate though OK. What happened to your face?" I touch my mouth and cheek.

"Is it noticeable? I thought I'd covered it up! I tripped up the curb and didn't get my hands out in front of me. Scraped my mouth and cheek. That's all! I'm fine. Love you." I tell him. He smiles and shakes his head at me

"I'm sorry love, I best get back to things, I have people wanting to meet you as well, so later please come find me. I'm going to miss you for dinner as well unfortunately, so stay with Tiffany until she finds her mate please. Parker is around here somewhere feel free to wind him up. His mate is here so he's more a participant this time around. You're safe here so feel free to explore. You and Parker are doing your blood ritual tomorrow night too. Hope you enjoy yourself. Love you." I turn back to Tiffany who is coming towards me looking at her finger.

"You ok?" I ask

"Yeah. Just stings a little. The lady said you need to do yours" that confuses me. I'm already mated so why do I need to do this part of it? I walk back to the table and it's the same lady as before. I smile at her and she say

"Hello again. I'm Ella in case you forgot. Would you like to reveal or conceal?" She asks politely as she hands me the paper and pen.

I'm mated so would it make a difference?

"That's a good question. We don't normally do orbs for those that have mated but the sacred tree gave you the most revered blessing. That in all our history has never happened before. So as you know who your mate is anyway why not choose the conceal one and see how it affects it?" She smiles 

By all means then. Let's conceal it.

"Please let me know how it affects you. So I can get the information archived. Along with what happened at the tree. It's exciting and has never happened before. Some mated couples have asked, but as I've said, nothing like that has ever happened. I wonder why the tree chose you? It's been on my mind since it happened!" She chats away as she retrieves the orb. I find myself thinking the same thing and wonder if it's confusing me with someone else. Maybe that's why I've been having these feelings towards a man I didn't know. 

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