Chapter 16: Don't. Hate. Me!

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What the fuck just happened!? She mated with me. If she didn't want to, she wouldn't have done that. Then she throws up and is in tears. What did I do? The side of my neck smarts a bit and I'm fucking happy and angry all at the same time, and she's disappeared yet a-fucking-gain!  I walk out the bathroom and can see her aura trail leading into the forest. 

I then do a double take. Is the sacred tree… moving? And I mean it looks like it's trying to rip its roots out and crawl it's way into the forest. I make my way over to it to figure out what's going on. When I receive a call


"Your highness. Rouges just broke through the border. About 2 dozen of them. 3 of ours have been killed. They were overheard saying, 'Find the King's mate.' " 

"Mine or Jesse's?" I rushed out. And start running into the forest. Maybe that's what the tree was trying to do. Get to my mate. It's weird that it's never reacted like that at all, like it's a moving, thinking entity. 

"We're not sure. Perhaps both? Best to be safe and get them both to safety. We're having to stay here to make sure no more get through. King Alpha has been told by his warriors he had put on the borders too. So he's already trying to find his mate and intercept the rouges" 

"Keep me updated!"

"Yes your highness"

I'm racing through the forest trying to pick up her aura trail but it's vanished. The last place was concentrated as if she had stopped but then nothing. That's when I came upon Jesse's wolf. He shifts back quickly and walks up to me saying

"Iv killed 4 but the rest got away. I haven't been able to reach my mate through our link. Parker and his mate are in here looking for her too but even-" he stops and looks at me.

"What?" He steps closer and takes a deep whiff of me. I step back as he growls.

"Seriously what the fuck Jes. We don't have time for this shit. Our mate's are-" 

"Why the FUCK do you smell like MY mate, Rush?"

"What the fuck are you going on about. I haven't even met your mate. We have rouges to deal with-" he punches me and I fly back. Totally not expecting him to hit me. 

"What the fuck, Jesse!" His face transforms to rage as he strides towards me. I jumped up expecting him to come at me again.

"You touched what doesn't belong to you. She's Mine!" He snarls

"You need to calm the fuck down. I haven't touched your mate. I've only been with mine since I left you." I block the next hit he throws at me. I'm totally confused as to why his wolf is thinking I've touched his mate. But I'm not going to fight with him when my mate could be in danger.

"Will you fucking stop, Jesse. I don't care what shit you think right now. We have rouges attacking and they are after one or both of our mate's! I need to find Kylie before it's too late!" I see his eyes change to that of his wolf

"So you do admit it? That you've been with my mate. MINE!"

"Where did you even get that from what I just-"

"MY MATES NAME IS KYLIE!" He roars at me.

"That has-...that has to be a coincidence, it can't be the same girl. The mate bond doesn't lie!" When he starts describing his mate. I finally started to put the pieces together. Why did she keep running away from me? Trying to resist me. Why was she sick and crying? Because she was mated to him and still felt the mate bond with me. I can't imagine how confused she's been, how sick to her stomach for wanting someone else when she has a mate!

My Witch King (My Alpha King Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя