Chapter 17: Don't. Hate. Me!

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This is bad! I'm such a fucking idiot, I should have made Jesse listen. What does this creep want? Though I'm guessing he wants what they all fucking want!

"Aren't you beautiful?" he says as he starts touching my body. I try to move but still nothing.

"Jesse! I need you. Evan-" he cuts me off

"You won't be able to reach your mate, If that's what that concentrated far away look is about. I hit you with quite a powerful blast. I don't need anyone interrupting us. I will be gentle with you but I want you and your power. With ours combined it will make me the strongest witch alive. You will have to be obedient though or I'll have to punish you. Though it's not coming off as strong as before...why?... and you have a necklace that hides it. Let's remove that shall we. Then I will start our bonding as I can't mate you and i'll start to syphon that magic." When he tells me he will be gentle he pokes a finger into me and I scream internally. This shit is getting old. What is it with men wanting to take from me? And why is sexual activity always involved? Then he's grouping me as he moves up to take the necklace off. I'm hoping it will signal to Jesse that I'm in trouble though.

He's about to rip it from my neck when there's growling and snarling. I look to see several wolves circling us. Please be someone good! Evan stands over my head facing away from me and gets in a defensive stance. Getting ready to take them on but there's too many. He doesn't stand a chance. 

"And over the girl an I might let ya live." I hear a deep voice say. Great, fucking more morons after me. So not good!

"No, I found her first, she's mine!" 
Seriously if I'm anyone's, im Jesse's and Rush's but I'd never admit that! Otherwise I'm not anyone's. So this lot can all do one. I'm sick of hearing men referring to me as 'mine'. 

"I were o-pin you'd say that! Kill Im!" I can't see Evan as he's no longer in my sight but I do hear multiple paws hitting the ground as they charge. I see some of the wolves as they pass me and blasts of different coloured magic as Evan attempts to fight them off. 

There's snarling and grunts, whimpers and howls of pain. And this goes on for a little while. When he is finally overcome by them all, I wish I could block out the sounds as he's torn apart. The screams that turn to gurgling, the sounds of flesh being ripped into. It's enough to make anyone sick. When his screams and cries stop a new face appears above me.

"Ello, ello, ello! Just the girl I'm lookin fa. He's right ya know. Ya are a beauty. And ya smell divine, I can smell ya power anall but it's hidden ain't it. Let's get you closer to mi boss and I'll get rid of that necklace for ya. Maybe e won't mind if I av a little taste of ya first. Me n mi men could do with some new pussy. And I hear mi boss used to share ya out!.... right, grab da girl. Let's make a move." As I'm lifted I try to move again but it's no use. We've not really gone much further before I'm put on the ground and that guy that talks funny comes over again and climbs on top of me.

"Right darlin. I wanna taste of ya magic before I and ya over" why do these guys always give me a running fucking  commentary of what the fuck they want or are going to do? I mean It makes no fucking sense! Do they all get off on telling me or something? The building I felt in my chest is starting to feel like it's about to burst, its getting painful and I can still feel the tingling as Luna tries to burst out as well. She's feeling the pressure build and build too.

"Get ready Darlin. I'll be quick. I don't have a lot of time befor da boss man gets ear!" He whips his dick out and I feel him start to rub it up and down my opening. I give one hard push hoping that will break the damn that's blocking me, but it's still no use! Arrggghhhh! I feel him pushing the tip in then he stops when a voice I'd recognise anywhere snarls

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