Chapter 19: There's nowhere left to run

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As we got her to the hospital she was checked over and hooked up for monitoring. Her face was bruised and swollen as well as her neck, which is now only the sickly yellow with purple around the edges, with the help of witch magic. We then noticed she had tiny cuts and burns from the necklace being torn off. Her eye is the same but the swelling has gone down now and we won't know any more until she wakes. At the moment her body is resting from the huge amount of magic she used. Which is baffling me and Jesse as no cross mating has resulted in the offspring having more than one of the parents lineage. So a witch and dragon mating wouldn't produce a witch, dragon. It would be one or the other. I saw her as a wolf and we both saw her using magic. I wonder what other tricks she may surprise us with.

Once we knew she was OK, we sort of tore into each other. We shouted which luckily didn't wake her. We fought, which was bad and we got kicked out of her room and carried on fighting outside! Which got worse as we blamed the other for being kicked out. I'm sure you can imagine my reaction when Jesse told me I'd have to give her up. His logic was because he was mated to her first, I had to be the one to reject her. Over and over he kept telling me I was wrong, she was his and I should give her up. It was driving me fucking insane!

In the end we came to a stalemate as we wanted to get back to her. Doc said any more fighting and we would be kicked out permanently which we agreed we wouldn't. After sitting in her room brooding for a few hours, both of us used our phones to get some work done. I thought enough was enough. I don't care that she's mated to him as well. I don't feel jealous or any of the other emotions one would feel when thinking of another man touching my mate.

Then when I think back to how she must be feeling.... So we have it out and we argue a little but in the end I manage to get through to him somehow. By now It's been roughly 10 hours as it's 7am now. The hunt is over and over the next couple of days people will be enjoying their mate's. Then it's time to make our way over to Dravons side of the territory. So I decide to grab food when the heart monitor starts beeping rapidly. She's so cheeky. Pretending to be asleep so she could listen to our conversation! Alright so it was an argument. I don't know how much she heard but as soon as she's up i don't leave just yet. Grabbing the remote for the bed I sit her up so she doesn't have to move. And when she opens one eye to peek at us, like we don't know she's awake has me and Jesse bursting with laughter.

I asked how much she heard and she replied she heard enough. She bites her lip again and I have a need to kiss her, so I do. Right in front of Jesse. When I pull back she's breathless and I tuck stray hair behind her ear. Then I go get food and drink. I know they probably need a moment to themselves and the hospital kitchen isn't that far. I grab the drinks and find some breakfast muffins and tray them up. I know they said they weren't hungry but I grabbed them one anyway. Then I make my way back.

When I get there I can see she's been crying. If he's said something to upset her ill fucking kill him. Alright so that would hurt her and I wouldn't do that, so I'll just have to hurt him. Luckily we both healed from our fight earlier, she'd probably have a go at us otherwise. So i put everything down and hop up beside her, stroking her arm as I need to touch her and sooth her. When Jesse answers about her thinking we would reject her, I hate it! I knew she would feel that way, but did he do something to make her think that because she was fine with me before i left!

Then she drops the bomb of having another mate. Would be our fucking luck. And has to be a dragon. My moneys on Dravon. It would make sense. But not necessarily going to actually be the case. And if he is. his girlfriend is gonna be pissed. Come to think of it, I've never liked her and she's worse than Nadine. I just didn't see it with her the same as he hasn't seen it with her yet. I better ring him or text him! I was about to say I thought it would be Dravon when the Doctor comes in, she wants us to leave and we're having none of it. We're not arguing any more so we ain't leaving our girl.

My Witch King (My Alpha King Book 2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя