Chapter 11: Guess I Was Wrong

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My eyes roll into the back of my head but I'm trying to fight it. When I feel a sting in my neck I think I'm done for but hear whoever this man is say

"That should take care of your wolf. Don't need her attacking me"

So it must knock her out or stop me shifting! Shit. I can't believe I let someone get the drop on me. Tiffany said Rush was on his way so I just needed to fight. He starts dragging me further away and I push to get my body moving. Weakly I try to seize anything around me, roots, trees, rocks anything but I'm still weak. I manage to get a hold of a rock and turn it to throw it at him. He turns and back hands me across the face and I see stars for a second.

I try to link Jesse but for some reason I can't get through to him. Must be the shit he gave me. I start trying to grab things again when a large root rises from the ground. I latch onto it, hooking my elbow for a stronger hold and as he can no longer pull me with the sudden hold I have he trips losing hold of my leg. I pull myself up on shaky legs feeling nauseous and tip to the side, I stagger forward to be pulled back by my hair.

"Where do you think you're going?" He breaths in my ear and with his other hand starts to grope me. I swing my arm over my body and make a fist, punching him in the face. He let's go and staggers backwards, I use it to start getting away again when I hear his heavy footfalls coming fast. Then I'm tackled to the ground, we land with a thud and it knocks the wind out of me and I bang my head on the floor.

I try to drag myself out from under him but he just turns me over, straddling my chest and with two hands around my throat, starts to squeeze. "Fine I'll have to do it this way. You should have... stayed away….. This is... all your mates… fault anyway… stop struggling… it will just make it take… longer…. And more pain-… painful for you… that's it… I am sorry it has to be this way. Just let go now… "

This whole time he squeezes, I struggle and claw at his face, pull his ears, scratch at his throat but he squeezes tighter. My head starts to feel like it's going to explode and I can't breath. I try to poke his eyes out to get him off but he bats my hands away. I start clawing at his hands but my vision is going blurry and I start seeing black spots. With the lack of oxygen I'm starting to lose consciousness so my attempts are getting weaker and weaker. 
My ears also pop and all I hear is a buzzing sound. I'm on the precipice of being dead when a flash of red strikes the bastard and he flies off me but as he still has hold of my throat I'm dragged with him for a split second before he loses his hold.

He almost ripped my throat out. Landing on my face, I cough and gasp for air and try to blink away the fuzz from my vision but it doesn't work. All I can see is colours. I roll onto my back trying to catch my breath, when I feel hands grab around my waist and I'm forcefully hauled over them and they land on top of me. I look up at them but can't fucking make them out. I blink rapidly trying to clear my vision and make out the face above me but It could be that bastard so I start hitting them. But again it's weak.

Surely if they were friendly and trying to help me, they would say something. The body rolls off me and I pull myself up trying to get away but collapse back to the ground. I shake my head and keep blinking and I squint my eyes on the person to get them into focus. Which works to some extent. I think it's Rush but I'm not sure. 

When he offers me his hand I take it hesitantly and then he's helping me up. I'm still dizzy though and the suddenness has me falling into him. When he wraps his arms around me I feel him sigh and know it's him. I'd be fighting for my life otherwise. Feeling relieved he came when he did I fist his top, feeling safe in his arms. I can't believe he actually came and found me. Then I hear him say my name and its music to my ears.

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