Chapter 12: I Need You

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I sit in the shower and cry for a while, trying to figure out what I'm going to do. But come up with nothing! I try to reach Luna but she's still not there, which worries me. What did he give me to block her? Will she come back or has he done something to harm her that she can't? I'm starting to get more worried thinking about it when I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Kylie? Are you here?"

Shit! She's going to see that I've been crying. I quickly wipe my eyes and stand up so abruptly, that I slip. Almost crashing through the glass door. I fumble for a second before I steady myself on the wall.

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute!" I tell her

"Ok. And you were right but I'll tell you about that when you're out! Hurry!" She squeals in excitement.

I get out and look at myself in the mirror and I'm right. You can definitely tell I've been crying as my eyes look red and puffy. Shit, shit, shit!! I turn the cold tap on and stick my eyes under the tap, hoping the cold water will help make it go away. After a few minutes I take a look again and sigh in relief. It's not perfect, but I can definitely get away with this. Looking around I realised I didn't bring any clothes with me. So I put a towel on my hair and wrap one around me. Then taking a deep breath, I open the door and go into the bedroom. She starts talking a mile a minute as soon as I've opened the door.

"I have so much to tell you! So the guy I was with. He is Jesse's brother, you were right! And I think he's my mate. I'm still happy I went with concealment though as well. I told you the sex is off the charts when you conceal against reveal, but if his earlier performance is anything to go by I'll be sky rocketing off thoes charts tonight. Especially as I don't actually know if he's my mate. Oh and how…" 

I stop listening, it's not that i'm not interested but I have Rush and Jesse on my mind. I'm tempted not to go, say I'm not feeling great, but Jesse wants me to meet some people. I just hope Rush isn't one of them! I sooo can't be dealing with that right now. I need more time to come up with something.

I go to the draw and pick up the one strapped bra I bought especially for this dress and decide to forgo panties. The dress isn't designed for them. I noticed the pantie lines when I tried it on at the shop. I walk over to the wardrobe, open the door to change behind, when Tiffany shouts 

"HELLO! EARTH TO KYLIE." I jump, looking at her a little startled 

"Sorry. What were you saying?" I ask as I put the bra on. Then getting the dress off the hanger, I step into it and pull it up, pushing my arm through the one sleeve. It's like a second skin. I then walked out to see her scrutinising me.

"I said what happened with that guy-"

"Nothing happened with that guy. What makes you think anything happened with him?"

"Ookaaay. You didn't let me finish. What happened with that guy in the forest? Wh-"

"I told you nothing happened!"

"Ok what is with you? That's the second time you've interrupted me to declare nothing happened. Something must have happened because you're acting guilty. Talk to me, what's going on?" She demands.

Fuck. Do I tell her or not? After some deliberation I decided that she's all I have to talk to right now and it might ease my mind some and she might just be able to help me with a solution. With a long sigh I tell her

"You know that guy?"

"Yeah, the one from the bakery that day that i sent in after you" she says a little snarky

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