Chapter 26. The Rescue

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"You let him go alone?" Kale yelled at Hank on a blue tooth car speakerphone as he and Aidan sped down the freeway in the rental car they'd just picked up. They had told Mia they had to make an emergency business trip, knowing if she knew the truth, she would be worried and insist on coming with them. They hadn't even landed before Hank called them and told them what happened. Luckily, the airport wasn't far from the address they'd been given to find Taylor.

"It's not his fault," Aidan told him. "Taylor wouldn't have listened to them. You know what he's like once he sets his mind on something. Besides, it's not Taylor I'm worried about; it's the two men he went after."

"He's right," Hank said after he heard Aidan. He was driving in his car with Jay in the passenger seat. "If we don't get there in time, those two men will be dead, there's no doubt about it, not that I care about those two bastards, but Taylor will be charged for murder and no matter what's going on, he can't escape the law."

"Strange, you have a funny way of escaping the law when it comes to things like that," Jay told Hank. "I'm a nobody; it's easier for me to get away with murder, but not with a prominent, well-known man like Taylor. If he kills those men with his bare hands, it's all over for him."

"Not if we cover it up," Jay said.

"How can we cover it up when the entire city and the news knows he's looking for her? You are not helping the situation, Jay! The point is...we don't want Taylor killing anybody. He's already been pushing the borderlines of the law as it is."

"He's not thinking clearly, if he did, he'd know that he wouldn't be able to be with Kaitlyn if he murdered those men. He's in a rage," Aidan commented.

Kale glanced at Aidan. "Can you blame him? Do you remember what we were like when Mia was..."

Aidan cut him off. "Don't bring that up ever again, I've just begun to get over the nightmares..."

"We're stuck in traffic," Hank told them. "I hope you guys can make it there in time."


The two abductors never knew what hit them. They were in the process of leaving the small motel after counting their money, getting something to eat and sleeping, when there was a knock at the door. They looked at each other in confusion.

"Maybe it's housekeeping," one said.

The other one peeped out the window. "I don't see anyone."

The first one went to the door. "Who is it?" he yelled.

The door suddenly flew inward as if an explosion had gone off. Taylor stood with one foot on the wooden door as it lay on top of the man underneath it. He only needed to hear their voices to know he was at the right place. He grabbed the other man who stared at him in shock and slammed him upside the wall. "Where is she?!" he roared.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" the man yelled. It had all happened so fast he didn't even have time to comprehend what was going on.

"The woman you kidnapped, my fiancée, where is she?!"

Taylor watched him glance at the other man who was beginning to groan under the door but hadn't yet moved.

"I... she told us if we kidnapped her and brought her to her, she'd give us money. We don't have her!"

"Who told you?" Taylor held the man by his collar and slammed him upside the wall again causing it to crack.

"We don't know her name..."

"What does she look like?"

"She has blonde hair, blue eyes, thin, talked like she was important-like!"

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