Chapter 3. Adopted

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Kaitlyn couldn't believe she was about to meet the handsome businessman who had offered her a job. She had stayed up most of the night researching him online on the computer at the hotel. He was all over the web advertising his software and had hundreds of clients already using it. His company was still new, it had only been five years since he started, but it was thriving and growing at an amazing speed. So, he was legit, there was nothing shady or unsavory about his character business wise. Once she realized that, she had prepared her resume. She knew taking a chance on a man who was practically a stranger to help her was crazy, but at this moment in her life, she didn't have much of a choice. She could accept what he had to say and hope he'd give her a chance for a new life or end up on the streets.

Taylor knocked on Kaitlyn's door impatiently. He looked at his watch and knocked again. It was 11:00am and he hadn't heard a word from her. He'd been up since 7:00am taking care of business. He'd already paid for his and her room for today. He hadn't plan to stay here another night. There was too much work to take care of at home. He hoped she would agree to leave with him tonight. If not, he would understand, but that meant he would have to go through the long process of looking for a personal assistant.

His thoughts immediately stopped when she opened the door and stepped out. He blinked wondering if this was the same woman he'd seen last night. In the daylight, he could see her clearly. Last night, he had thought she was pretty, but now in the sunlight, she was beautiful. Well, with a little fixing up, she would be beyond beautiful. He could tell, just by noticing the little things about her, that she wasn't able to take care of herself properly. How could she in her condition?

Her hair was long and raven black, but it was frizzy and full of split ends. She had it pulled back in a high ponytail with a strange looking cloth thingy that caused him to raise his eyebrow. Her skin was a beautiful color of deep brown and flawless except for the dark rings under her eyes, no doubt caused by stress and restless nights. Large almond shape eyes that were the color of milk chocolate stared up at him in wonder making him curious about what she was thinking. But what caught his attention the most were her lips, they were plump, heart shaped, made for kissing.

He surprised himself at that last thought and could feel a hint of arousal slowly beginning to awaken. He was shocked at his reaction towards her. Being attracted to her was the last thing he expected, she wasn't exactly his type. The women he liked were more sophisticated, glamorous, and White. So, how could this ragtag of a woman with her black skirt that needed hemming and her grey blouse that looked worn out and old and her black pumps that were beginning to show cracks turn him on? He frowned, obviously the bastard she'd been living with had not been taking care of her properly.

Kaitlyn wasn't prepared to see the man who might be her future employer in the light of day or have him stand so close to her. He looked completely different from what she'd seen last night. Being so close to her, he towered over her like a giant. Her face only reached his chest and she was 5'7 which she'd thought was pretty tall for a woman. Perhaps he was taller than 6'4? She wasn't sure now. She had to look up pass the expensive suit he was wearing to see his face.

His skin had a hint of tan to it as if he only went outside over a limited amount of time. His brown hair was different, instead of hanging down his back, it was cut short in sophisticated layers that showed off his handsome features. He had cheekbones a woman would kill for, a proud nose that was made for looking down at people. He was quite intimidating except for his eyes. He had the kindest warm brown eyes she'd ever seen. Eyes to make a woman's heart melt when he looked at her. Yet despite those eyes, he carried himself in an arrogant and domineering manner. She was completely overwhelmed by him and took a step back to compose herself. This man was far too good looking for her to work with and it looked like he would be the difficult type. The last thing she needed was to be attracted to her future boss who would probably turn out to be a jerk.

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