Chapter 5. Groomed

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"Yes, oh yes! Taylor, oh my god!" Ashly Sinclair screamed into her third orgasm for the night. She slumped limply against the bed on her stomach as Taylor pulled away from her and laid beside her. The man had always had a strong sex drive, but tonight had been different-he was more aggressive, more passionate; he'd taken her in three different positions all in one hour. She smirked. She knew he loved her, he was just too stubborn to admit it, perhaps those three months he'd stayed away had worked in her benefit after all. She rolled on her side and ran a long pink fingernail down his sweaty chest.

"You missed me, didn't you? I knew you couldn't stay away from me for long."

Taylor opened his eyes and looked at her as if he was surprised to see her.

Ashly frowned. "What's that expression for?"

He quickly smiled at her and pulled her head down to kiss her. Damn, he thought to himself. Was it wrong for him to forget who he was with? It was Kaitlyn face he saw not Ashly's. It was Kaitlyn's body that he'd fucked into oblivion and had him moaning out loud when he came. He'd almost called out her name in the throes of his orgasm but caught himself before it happened. What was wrong with him? Was he becoming obsessed with the woman?

Ashly smiled at him when she pulled back and snuggled against his side. "Taylor, why don't we make us official? Aren't you tired of living a bachelor's life? You've got to be lonely in that huge mansion of yours."

Taylor turned to look into Ashly's beautiful face. The woman was gorgeous and definitely his type. She had long golden blonde, wavy hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Her body was thin and willowy like a supermodel. She was also very wealthy. It was her personality that bothered him. She came from what they called old money. She never had to work a day in her life and got whatever she wanted. She was spoiled and selfish and very snobby when it came to accepting other people who were less fortunate than her. Still, despite her personality, Taylor hadn't found anyone else that fit his idea of a perfect woman than Ashly. He thought he might marry her one day when he was finally ready to settle down.

"I'm still not ready for a serious relationship, Ashly." He found himself telling her as he caressed her long silky hair.

"Hmph, do you think I'll continue to sit on the side while I watch you date other women? You're such a playboy. I won't wait forever you know. There are plenty of men who would love to be with me."

"I know," Taylor said. "I never asked you to wait for me either. You're a beautiful woman, Ashly, you should enjoy yourself."

Ashly sat up. "How can you say those words to me? Why can't you just admit that you..." she stopped not sure if he was ready to hear that he loved her. He was probably still in deep denial.

"Admit what?" Taylor asked propping himself up on one arm.

"Nothing," Ashly said.

Taylor grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. "Let's not spoil tonight with an argument. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Why don't you give me more memories of our lovemaking to make me smile while I'm slaving over accounts." He rolled on top of her and stared into her eyes. "You're so beautiful."

Ashly blushed. The man was beyond charming, he knew exactly what to say to stop her from becoming annoyed or angry at him. It was one reason why she loved him, besides the fact that he was handsome and loaded with money. She needed to marry someone who was extremely good looking, with a high social status, and could give her everything she wanted and Taylor was that man, which was why she put up with his casual attitude towards her. He'd come around soon enough, she was sure of it. From the way he'd attacked her in bed; his body must have been craving for her. Men are so stupid, she thought to herself as Taylor began to kiss and caress her body. None of them knew what they truly wanted in a woman. Luckily she was the type of woman that gave them a push in the right direction.

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